We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Part 3.5

Fifteen minutes of off-key singing later, we were at Kelly’s house. Alex parked, very crookedly, in front of her driveway. Kelly and I quickly jumped out of the van, and ran up to her front door.
As soon as we were inside, we hopped up the stairs, and into her room. She grabbed some clothes and we were back off to the van. I decided that I should go and shower, before heading to Alex and Rian’s place.

“We’ll be there in about an hour,” Zack said as he followed me out of the van.

“Alright, be good,” Rian said with a little wink.

I just laughed and flipped him off, before walking to the door, hand in hand with Zack. I quickly unlocked the door, and threw my keys and bag on the door beside the table.

“Alright, I’m going to go shower and get ready,” I said grabbing the banister by the stairs.

“Mmm, I don’t think so,” Zack said wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Zack!” I said turning and facing him, “I have to get ready. We have to be there in an hour.”

“They can wait,” he said pushing his lips to mine.

I melted into the kiss, and almost forgot what I needed to do. I soon snapped back into reality and broke the kiss, before rushing up the stairs. I heard Zack say something about it not being fair. I just laughed before hopping into the shower.


As soon as I was out of the shower, Zack rushed in and said he was now gross from working out. I just laughed and walked into our room with my towel wrapped around me.

I quickly pulled on some jeans and my ‘Super Maine That Oooh!’ shirt before making my way back into the bathroom. I towel dried my hair before pulling it up into a messy bun. I threw on some makeup and was ready to go.

“Zachary! I’m hungry,” I said as I flipped through the TV channels.

“Katherine,” he said peeking out of the bathroom, “What do you want me to do about it?”

“Take me to get food?” I said smiling.

“Alright,” he said coming into our room, “Lets go.”

I hopped of the bed, and quickly ran down the stairs. I missed the last few, and ended up sliding on my butt until I landed at the bottom.

“Shit, Katie, are you okay?” Zack said rushing to the bottom.

I just started laughing, earning a rather odd look from Zack. His expression made me laugh even more and he just shook his head.

“You’re a weird one,” he said offering me his hand, “But that’s why I love you.”

“I love you too!” I said hugging him before grabbing my bag.

We both got in the car, with Zack driving, and drove off towards Wendy’s. We decided to go through the drive through, since us getting ready took so long. We both got Biggy fries, and asked for extra ketchup.

“That’s all the ketchup they gave us!?!” I exclaimed looking into the bag as we drove away, “That’s only like 10 packets!”

“Alex probably has some at his house,” he said peering in the bag, “If not, we’ll go buy some.”
“Okay, deal,” I said pulling out a fry and eating it.

The rest of the ride was filled with us eating a few of our fries, and singing along to the radio. As soon as we got to Rian and Alex’s, I ran in and straight to the kitchen.

“Nice to see you too Katie,” I heard Jack say from the living room.

“I need my ketchup!” I said throwing the fridge open.

“Second shelf on the left!” I heard Rian yell.

“Thanks bud!”

Everyone just laughed a little at how excited I was over my ketchup. As I went and sat next to Zack in the living room, I saw Jack trying to sneak a few fries.

“Don’t even think about it Barakat,” I said snatching the bag.

“What?” He said trying to look innocent, “I wasn’t doing anything.”

“And I Spartan kick people all of the time,” I said sarcastically.

Everyone just laughed, and we sat watching TV, while Zack and I ate our food. Once we were done, Alex and Kelly looked at us excitedly.

“What are those looks for?” Zack asked as he stood up to throw his trash away.

“Oh nothing,” Kelly said, “Just go throw your trash away, and then we’ll tell you.”

Zack did as he was told and came back, throwing his arm around me. Alex and Kelly started whispering stuff, before turning back to us.

“Since you guys seem to really like playing truth or dare,” Kelly started.

“We all decided that we should play again,” Alex said nodding.

“But this time, no kidnapping people,” Rian added as a final thought.

Zack and I both agreed to the game, and that’s when the fun started.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update =]
It sucked i think =/