We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Part 4

OAfter about 20 rounds of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, it was decided that Alex was going to be the first one to ask the question.

“Alright, I choose Kelly,” he said smiling, “So Kelly, truth or dare?”

“Dare of course.”

“I dare you to switch clothes with Jack.”

At that point everyone, minus Jack and Kelly, burst out laughing. I couldn’t help but to imagine how ridiculous Jack would look in a girl cut shirt. Jack quickly removed his shirt and jeans before handing them to Kelly, before she walked down the hall to the bathroom.

She reemerged about two minutes later and we all cracked up. Jacks pants were about a thousand miles too long, causing her a little trouble walking. After she handed her clothes to Jack, he pulled on the pants, looking like Erkle. The shirt was even funnier though.

“This isn’t fair,” he said trying to pull the shirt down, “My clothes cover her, this shirt barely reaches my belly button!”

“Hey, at least you can walk in my pants,” Kelly said laughing, “Okay so it’s my turn. Jack, truth or dare?”

“Truth, the last dare sucked,” he said fake pouting.

“Alright,” she said thinking hard, “Out of everyone in the room, who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with the least?”

Jack looked around nervously, while we all stared intently at him. You could tell he was thinking hard about his answer, so he wouldn’t offend anyone.

“Well bro, come on,” Rian said egging him on.

“Uhm,” Jack said prolonging his answer, “Probably Zack, because he’d talk about Katie all the time. No offense.”

“None taken,” Zack and I said at the same time.

“Okay, but before we let this game go any further, I say we go get some refreshments,” Alex said standing up and stretching, “What about you guys?”

We all gave our form of agreement, and stood up heading for the van. Alex ended up driving, with Kelly shotgun. The remaining four of us spread out between the 3 benches.

“Wait, can I pick who I want while we’re out?” Jack said leaning over the last bench.

“Yeah, sure,” I said shrugging, “Who’re you picking?”

“Rian,” he said smirking, “So Rian, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Rian said happily, “They’re always more fun.”

“Alright,” Jack said smirking even more, “When we go into the liquor store, I dare you to loudly announce that your crabs are itching, while scratching your crotch.”

Everyone stared at Jack in disbelief for a few seconds, before cracking up laughing. I was pretty sure that only Jack would think of something so ridiculous, and everyone wouldn’t worry about his mental state. Well, no more than they already did.

“Alright ladies, we’re here,” Alex said pulling to a stop.

“I can’t believe I’m about to do this,” Rian said as he hopped out of the van behind me.

“Well bud, you best start believing,” I said laughing, “Plus, I’m gonna get it all on tape.”

I waved my digital camera in his face, and he just groaned. I hit the record switch, and let Rian and everyone else walk in before me. Rian shot me a glance, and I just motioned for him to do the dare. He huffed, and started scratching his crotch and immediately started talking.

“Man, these crabs itch like a bitch,” he said rather loudly.

Everyone in the store, including the clerk, shot him the weirdest glance ever. Rian just kept muttering about his ‘crabs’ and walked back to where the boys and Kelly were looking at alcohol. I ran up behind him, and tapped him on the shoulder.

“So Mr. Dawson, how do you feel about your performance,” I asked as he turned around.

“Well, I know to not come to this liquor store again,” he said laughing, “And that everyone here thinks I’m crazy.”

“It’s okay Rian, we still love you,” I said laughing and turning the camera off, “Now lets get some dranks.”

“Please don’t say that again.”

“Fine,” I said laughing and walking up to Kelly, “So what are you thinking of getting?”

“Captain Morgan,” she said grabbing a bottle.

“Ahh me too!” I said mimicking her actins, “And trust me we’ll want our own bottles.”

“Did everyone get what they wanted?” Zack asked holding his bottle of Jack Daniels.

“Yeah,” we all said simultaneously.

“Then let’s go party!” Alex said leading us to the front.

We all placed our drink of choice on the counter, and waited for the cashier to ring us up. He checked Alex’s fake ID, and believed it. We all pitched in about $15, and were on our way back to the house.

“So who are you going to challenge Rian?” Kelly asked once we were all back in the van.

“I pick Katie. Since she decided to tape that whole episode.”

“Oh come on Dawson. You know it was funny,” I said laughing/whining.

“Just wait until we get home Cook, you won’t be thinking that anymore,” he said pointing his finger at me.

I just laughed, and leaned into Zack for the remainder of the ride. Once we got home, we all grabbed our alcohol, and made ourselves comfortable in the living room. We all took a few drinks, before deciding to continue on with our truth or dare.

“Alright since it’s my turn, and I chose Katie,” Rian said dragging his sentence on, “Would you like truth or dare.”

“Dare all the way baby!” I said taking another swig of my captain.

“Alright. Then I dare you to go over to our crazy neighbor, Mrs. Verbeke, and ask for a condom,” he said smirking.

“Is that supposed to be bad?” Kelly asked looking between us.

“I’m not too sure,” I said looking at Rian, “Is that it?”

“No,” he said smirking, “You have to go over wearing one of Alex’s plaid shirts, and your underwear. Nothing else. And you must have crazy sex hair going on.”

I looked at him in disbelief, causing everyone to laugh. I looked to Zack for help, but noticed he was also laughing. I gave him a fake glare and stood up walking into Alex’s bedroom. I pulled open his closet and chose his red plaid shirt. I stripped down to my underwear, thankful I had chosen boy shorts, and threw the shirt on. I flipped my head over and ruffled my hair, before making my way out to the living room.

“Nice sex hair babe,” Zack said chuckling a bit.

“Awh thanks sweetheart,” I said sarcastically, “But if you keep laughing, this might be the only sex hair you see for a long long time.”

“Ooh she told you!” Jack said laughing.

Everyone else just laughed and Zack mumbled slightly about how unfair it was. I laughed and made my way over to the coffee table, picking my bottle of Captain up.

“I’m gonna need some liquid courage before I do this,” I said taking a large swig, “Now, let’s get this over with.”

“Who has the camera?” Alex asked following me to the door.

“I do!” Kelly said waving it around.

“Ya’ll are so lucky I chose boy shorts today,” I said before walking out into the cool night air, “Holy shit it’s freezing!”

“Just get on with,” Rian said laughing.

“Here, I’m gonna stand a little to the side and get her reaction,” Kelly said following me across the lawn.

“Alright,” I said as I hopped up the concrete stairs, “Are you ready for this?”

“Yeah,” she said clicking a button, “And the camera is rolling.”

I took in a deep breath, before raising my fist to the wooden door. I knocked three times, waiting for an answer. I heard a shuffling from behind the door, before it opened revealing a woman with short red hair. She stared at me in shock and opened and closed her mouth a few times.

“Uhm hi?” I said playing with the hem of Alex’s shirt, “I was wondering if ya’ll had a condom we could have. Cuz me and my boyfriend were getting hot and heavy, so to speak, and we didn’t want to risk anything.”

“I-uh-wow,” she said before shaking her head and closing her door.

I could hear all the boys, laughing from the front porch, along with Kelly stifling laughter next to me. I quickly ran off of her porch and straight into Alex and Rian’s house.

“Love the view!” I heard Jack yell from the doorway.

His yelling was quickly followed by a slap and an “ow”. I snickered, knowing that Zack had probably hit him in protection of me. I quickly took Alex’s shirt off, before placing my clothes back on. I smoothed my hair out, and pulled it into a pony tail, before walking back to the living room.

“Alright, I think I’m done with this game,” I said taking my seat next to Zack, “What about ya’ll?”

They all agreed, and we debated on what to do. We finally decided to just watch movies. We decided to change into our comfy clothes, before choosing the movies. Zack and I made our way into one of the guest bedrooms, and quickly changed into our sweats. I quickly changed into my Roxy shorts and a pink tank top, before throwing on my hoody. Zack, on the other hand, just changed his jeans to a pair of lounge pants.

When we got back to the living room, only Alex and Kelly were present. They were sitting on the ground by the entertainment center, searching through the movies. Zack went and sat on the loveseat, and I walked to the linen closet grabbing my Scooby Doo blanket I had left here about a month ago. I sat on the loveseat next to Zack, snuggling into him, before he threw the blanket over both of us.

Jack and Rian soon returned, handing everyone some popcorn, before taking their seats. Alex and Kelly both made excited squeals, before standing up and putting the DVD in. I just stared at them blankly, before looking at Zack, causing him to shrug.

“So what are we watching?” I asked as they both sat on the couch.

“IRON MAN!” they both yelled high fiving eachother.

I inwardly groaned, seeing as how I didn’t want to ever see this movie, but turned to the screen anyways. Once the main screen popped up, Alex hit play, and the movie began. I just snuggled into Zack, and tried to get into the movie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally :D
It was long for me. I feel accomplished.

