We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Chapter 5

Alex and I were sitting on the edge of the couch for the entire movie. It was one of my favorites and apparently, Alex's too. Jack and Rian had gone to the basement to play some video games while Zack and Katie were passed out on the other couch. I sat back on the couch as the credits rolled and Alex followed my movements.

“I love that movie so much.”, I said as Alex hit stop on the remote.

“Me too. Robert Downey Jr. is pure genius.”, Alex agreed. I nodded as I yawned, noting how exhausted I was. “Tired?”, he asked me.


“Well, come on then, let's get you to sleep.”, he said standing up and holding out his hand for me. I took it and stood up from the couch, stretching as I did so. Alex ran to the basement door and yelled down to Jack and Rian that we were going to sleep. After they yelled that it was okay, Alex came back over to me and signaled me to follow him.

We walked down the hallway and passed two rooms, which Alex pointed out to be Jack and Rian's. I nodded and kept following him until we came upon the third room.

“We're going to have to share my room, if that's okay. If you'd prefer you can share with Rian...or Jack.”, Alex explained. My eyes widened at the thought of sharing a room with Jack.

“I'll share with you, thanks.”, I spoke, quickly walking into his room. He laughed and followed me into the room while closing the door behind him and flipping on the lights. I saw my bag lying on the floor near the door and grabbed it, confused as to why it was in here already. I decided not to question it. I grabbed my pajamas and headed to the bathroom to get changed.

When I came back, Alex was already changed and starting to get into his bed. I walked over and climbed in on the other side, pulling the covers over me.

“So, how does it feel to be kidnapped?”, Alex asked me out of the blue.

“In all honesty, it feels pretty good.”, I said smiling at him. He chuckled softly and switched off the light next to the bed.

“We should get some sleep.”

“Yeah.”, I said closing my eyes.

“Night, Kelly.”, Alex whispered.

“G'night, Alex”


“Wake up!!!!”, Jack yelled as I felt a weight fall down on me. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Jack laying across Alex and I. Alex shoved Jack, causing him to fall off the bed. We heard him yell 'ow' and we both burst out laughing.

“That wasn't nice.”, Jack said pouting at us.

“No, waking us up by jumping on us was not nice, Jack.”, I explained to him while sitting up.

“Well, you have to get up because we're going to the mall today!”, he exclaimed.

“Alright, who gave you sugar?”, Alex asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Jack looked around guiltily before answering.

“Rian..”, he said, backing away towards the door. He turned and ran out of the door as fast as possible. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

“Rian is a dead man.”, Alex said sighing. I nodded and got out of bed. Alex followed my actions and went to his closet for clothes while I went to my bag. I pulled out a plain gray tshirt and a pair of jeans and went to change.

After changing, I made my way to the living room where I could hear everyone's voices. As I entered I saw Zack and Katie sitting on the couch watching Alex chase Rian around. Jack was off to the side watching them with a grin of amusement on his face. I watched them too for a few minutes before deciding to intervene.

“Hey, guys, let's all stop now.”, I said stepping in between them and stopping the chase. Alex fake pouted at me and Rian just looked relieved.

“But he gave Jack sugar!”

“That doesn't matter! Let's just go to the mall.”, I said. Zack and Katie then burst out laughing after watching our little charade. Pretty soon we all joined in and started laughing hysterically. After we calmed down we decided it was time to head to the mall.

“I wanna drive!”, Jack yelled.

“NO!”, We all yelled at the same time. The prospect of Jack driving was just too scary.

“I'll drive.”, Rian said grabbing the keys. We all followed him out to the van as Jack called shotgun. Alex and I sat in the front row and Zack and Katie sat in the row behind us. Alex, Zack, Katie and I struck up our own conversation about yesterday's game of 'Truth or Dare' as we started driving.

“Wait a minute. Alex never did a dare!”, I said as soon as I realized this.

“You're right! Alex that means you have to do a dare at the mall.”, Katie said triumphantly.

“Yeah and we dare you to go up to as many people as you can and say “Hi, I'm a creeper. My favorite thing to do is stalk people. Can I have a hug?”, okay?”, Zack said.

“Fine.”, Alex said nonchalantly. Rian informed us that we were at the mall as he parked the van and we all got out. The boys put on their hoods and sunglasses so they wouldn't be mobbed by any fangirls. Once we were inside Zack signaled to Alex to go up to someone. He took a deep breath and approached some old lady that was about 20 feet away.

“Katie, you got the camera?”, I said not taking my eyes off of Alex.

“Already rolling.”, she replied. We watched as Alex started talking to the lady and held out his arms for a hug. She looked shocked and raised her purse then brought it down on Alex's head before walking away. We all burst out laughing as Alex made his way back over to us.

“What the hell was her problem?”, Alex complained as he rubbed his head.

“That was the funniest thing I've ever seen.”, I said laughing. He fake glared at me which only caused me to laugh more. Finally, we all calmed down and agreed that Alex's dare was over.

We decided to walk around the mall aimlessly for awhile, stopping in a few stores every now and then. Jack got us kicked out of one store because he kept messing with everything. Rian slapped him on the back of the head for that. Katie and I went into Journey's to get some shoes. She picked out some bright neon colored Nikes and I bought a new pair of converse.

“I'm hungry.”, Rian spoke up after we left the store.

“Me too.”, Alex agreed. We all decided on going out to lunch. On our way back to the van we argued about where we should eat.

“I say we go to Olive Garden.”, Katie said as we all climbed into the van.

“Oh fuck yes! I love that place.”, I exclaimed. Rian started the van and we drove off towards Olive Garden. Katie and Zack started up their own conversation while Alex and I just sat in silence and listened to the radio play some crappy rap song.

“We're here!”, Rian called out as the van pulled to a stop. We all jumped out of the van and filed into the restaurant. It was relatively empty so we were seated right away. I was sitting between Alex and Rian while Katie was between Zack and Jack. We all picked up our menus and picked out what we wanted.

Soon the waiter came over and dropped off some breadsticks then took our order.

“I'll have the Five Cheese Ravioli.”, I told him grabbing a breadstick.

“Good call. I'll have the same thing.”, Alex said also grabbing a breadstick. Everyone else gave their orders and took breadsticks too. After we got our food, I stole a shrimp from Rian's shrimp scampi, which caused him to steal one of my ravioli's.

“Hey! That was my ravioli.”

“Well, you stole one of my shrimp.”, Rian defended himself.

“I want that ravioli back.”, I said glaring at him.

“Here, take one of mine.”, Alex spoke up, sliding one of his ravioli's onto my plate.

“Ahh yay! Thanks Alex!”, I said excitedly. He slightly laughed at me, which caused everyone else to laugh at me too.

“You guys suck.”, i complained pouting a little. Once they finished laughing, we all focused on eating our lunch. As soon as we were done, we paid the bill and headed back to the van to go back to Alex and Rian's place.
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another update for this story =]
hope you all like it