You're Appealing to the Emotions That I Simply Do Not Have

01 .

"What do you mean were bringing some girl on tour?! We can't just decide to bring people as soon as were packed and five minutes away from leaving!" He shouted, balling his hands into fists at his sides.

"Look, I only found out yesterday, we have to bring her!"

"But why? Just leave her here! She has a family!" He had lowered his voice considerably.

"No, she doesn't! I'm her only living relative Pete."

"So fucking what? Get her to get herself an apartment!" Pete snarled.

"Pete, Its not that easy, I-"

"And why not Patrick? I don't care if you think she can't afford it, I'll give her the money just to get her away from this bus and out of the tour!"

"She's tried to commit suicide three times in the past year, she's anorexic! She taking anxiety pills, and anti-depressants! She has insomnia and hasn't had a full night's sleep in the past two years! She cuts herself! Pete, were taking her with us! I'm not just leaving my cousin alone like that, she'll probably attempt again, and succeed!" Pete's face fell meters, and if this we're a cartoon, his jaw would be on the tiled floor of the bus.

"A-are you serious?" He asked, trying not to stutter.

"Yes. I can't leave her alone to live by herself."

"Fine. I'm sorry for overreacting. Where is she? "

"Outside the bus."

As they walked down the steps of the bus, they saw her sitting on the ground, leaning on the bus. She had her arms wrapped around her knees and she looked like she was about to cry. She looked at Patrick and a look of pure hatred filled her eyes.

"See? Another person who doesn't want me to come along."

"After I explained the-"

"Explained the situation? Or just let him yell at you for no reason? And then, give him a mini-version of my life story?" She stood up and adjusted her dark gray skinny jeans and hot pink tutu. "Go buy some confidence before you try to make me go anywhere with you. I don't care if you're my only living relative, most people obviously don't want me here." Patrick took some papers out of his jacket pocket and shoved them at her. She snatched them out of his hands, and her pale green eyes looked them over. She viciously ripped them in half when she was done reading.

"I'm twenty years old! Fuck, I'm older than you are! You cannot and will not be my guardian! If anyone should have a guardian, it's the attention-seeking whore!"

"Look, I have nothing against you, but I' am not an attention whore!" Pete said, shocked at her insult. She laughed coldly and looked him right in the eye.

"Not? You have nothing against me? Obviously you do, because you had to bug my life story out of Patrick before you tried to accept me. And, the only reason you're trying, or at least saying you are is because you pity me!" She eyed him maliciously when he didn't answer.

"What? Is Fall Out Boys front man speechless? Finally." Patrick took the ripped-in-half documents out of her hands.

"Don't talk to Pete like that! You're the one who overdosed!" She smirked and clapped loudly, almost mockingly.

"Finally, someone with confidence. It was good talking to you, Patty. But, I need to go." She started to walk back to a silver porshe. When she stood by the door she reached into the pocket and she stopped dead. She spun on her teal high-heel and dropped her bag by the porshe. She walked back to the boys, with he hands by her sides, and stood right in front of Patrick.

"If you don't give me back my keys right now, I will sue your ass and then go jump in a river and make sure I die, I promise. "She said in a sickly-sweet tone, but her eyes were murderous.

Pete rolled his eyes as Patrick handed over the keys to her willingly, not even putting up the slightest fight. She walked back to the car, slipped the key into the lock and opened the door.
"Patrick, do you seriously want her to come with us?" Patrick nodded, and turned back to the bus, walking up the stairs.

"Oh well." Patrick huffed. Pete ran over to the green Porsche and scooped Patrick's cousin up and ran back to the bus. He pushed her in and ignored her screams of protest.
♠ ♠ ♠
The first re-write.
I hope you guys like, Quizilla sure did .