You're Appealing to the Emotions That I Simply Do Not Have


"What?" Rory's hands flew up to her face and she backed against the wall. When nothing came at her she removed her arms and looked at Patrick, who had a blank look on his face. "I'm so sorry Patrick, oh god, I really am..." She mumbled. He went over to her, pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly. The other boys watched the scene unfold before them, dumbfounded. She was facing the boys, and they watched her wide eyes. "You're not mad?" She asked incredulously. He pulled away.

"Of course not, Rory. We've been on this tour since June 22nd, and its September 22nd now. You went that long without cutting and you only used elastic-therapy for hours on end. Next time, just dont be so afraid of telling me." He smiled at her. "Did Pete patch it up for you?" Rory nodded, eyes still wide and her mouth agape. "Did you take all of her razors?" He asked, turning to Pete. He nodded and pointed to the backpack that was on his back.
"Just try not to do it again, okay Rory? I'll even grab you some more elastics." Rory nodded and they left the room, and she stayed in the same position for a few minutes before sitting at the table.

"Just leave me alone, you prick!" She screamed.

"No! I'm not leaving you in the bus alone!" He shouted right back at her.

"Look, you stupid dipshit, Patrick even leaves me in the bus alone and he's the only one that should be worried about me! You didn't care in the beginning so you shouldn't care now!" Andy and Joe watched the two scream from their comfortable places on the couch. They smirked at each other and motioned for Patrick to come and sit with them and watch the 'fight'.

"I've already warned them of the consequences of what they're doing." Patrick whispered to Joe and Andy.

"What do you mean, I didn't care in the beginning? You didn't care in the beginning!" Her eyes widened.

"Of course I did! I wouldn't have went to all of those fucking therapists though out the country if I didn't want to get better! I wouldn't have taken the pills to help me get better, and if I didn't care, I would jump off this bus right now and leave."

"You couldn't even if you wanted to!"

"Just because Patrick's my 'guardian' doesn't mean that I have to be with him 24/7! I could leave right now and never come back and you would be the one who didn't care!" Patrick nodded to Andy and Joe.

"Guys, we're here. Stop fighting, fight in your hotel room." Joe interrupted them." We only have four days of tour left and we're going to make the best of those four days." Rory sighed and walked off of the bus first, grabbing her messenger back full of clothes and she walked into the hotel.

"Rory, you and Pete are sharing. Joe and Andy will share and I'll have my own." Patrick pushed a keycard into Rory's hand and rushed up the hotel stairs to his room with Andy and Joe following quickly behind. Pete glared at Rory and took the keycard from her hands, running up the stairs to get to the room first. Rory trudged along the stairs, groaning at how uncomfortable her heels were. She arrived the door marked '104'. She tried twisting the handle, but it was locked. She kicked the door.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, open the goddamn door!" She shrieked. It was opened a moment later. Pete pulled her inside and slammed her against the door once it was closed. He put his hands on either side of her head and smirked in amusement at her scared expression.

He crashed his lips against hers and she instantly kissed back. She moved her hands so the were on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. He moved her from the door to the side wall, locking the door, before pushing her onto the king-sized bed.

Lips crashed like cars, and clothes were ripped off like old band-aids.

The feeling of euphoria took over them both, and they got lost in the passionate night, forgetting all about their bickering over nothing at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
3 chapters left, kiddies .
and then you get a sequel !

: )

which is 12 chapters and already finished .