You're Appealing to the Emotions That I Simply Do Not Have


The minute Rory woke up she was stunned. Pete's face was merely inches away from hers, and he had his arms tightly wrapped around her waist. She turned to face the door, loosening his grip and she jumped out of the bed, hurriedly pulling on her clothes. She looked frantically for her suitcase before finding it and running towards the door. She turned her head slightly to take one last look at Pete, before opening and slamming the door, causing Pete to jolt awake.

He stared at the door for a few minutes before sighing. "Why did she leave?" He asked himself quietly. He glanced around the room. All of her things we're gone. He picked some new clothes out of his suitcase and went over to the washroom, defeated. He turned on the water, adjusted the temperature and stepped in, setting his clothes on the toilet cover.

Rory knocked three hard times of the hotel door marked '106'. She knocked one more time before it opened, and she looked at a very sleepy Patrick. He was barefoot, wearing a pair of black PJ pants and a white shirt, with a blue hat placed carelessly on his head. When he realized it was Rory his eyes shot open and he pulled her inside an sat her on his bed.
"What happened?" He asked patiently, standing in front of her.

"I didn't mean to, I mean, If I would have stayed we could work it out and talk but I just got up and left! He's probably awake now wondering where the hell I' am!" She rambled.

"Rory, calm down and tell me what happened." Patrick said gently.

"Oh god Patrick, I had sex with him!"

"You did what with Rory?" Joe asked incredulously after Pete's brief explanation of why Rory wasn't in the room with him. Andy and Joe sat on his bed as he paced back and forth, thinking of a way to approach Rory.

"I had sex with her, okay! Patrick is going to kill me!"

"No he's not, Pete. He cant, you're our bassist and it might take a while to find someone who knows all out songs." Pete turned top stare at Andy.

"Then what do I say to him? I cant just go say 'Oh, hey Patrick, I'm sorry I had sex with your cousin'!"

"Yeah, you can, actually. Just say it nicer than that." Andy said. Pete sighed. A knock at the door made him look around frantically.

"Do you like her, Pete?" Joe asked. Before Pete could answer Patrick walked into the room, concern etched onto his features.

"I need you to go talk to Rory, she's practically having a panic attack." Pete's eyes widened.
"Over what?" He asked.

"Over your little encounter last night." Patrick smirked. "Just go see her." Pete rushed out of the room and towards th one next door, and Patrick sat down on Pete's bed beside Joe and Andy.

"I have a bad feeling this isn't going to end that well." He said.

When Rory heard a knock at the door she stopped breathing for a few seconds before opening the door, thinking it would be Patrick. When she saw Pete she stared in confusion.
"Yes?" She asked shakily.

"We need to talk." He said, pushing past her and into the bland hotel room.
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