You're Appealing to the Emotions That I Simply Do Not Have


"So are you." Patrick said to her. Soon they stopped, and he told her that this was their first concert spot. Rory still avoided Milley, and once the band got their equipment off of the bus, she sat in the front row of seats and watched Patrick warm up, and then go through a few songs with the band. They finished their first song, Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy, and she glanced at Andy and Joe.

"You guys are awesome!" Milley sat a few seats away from her, snickering.

"Patrick, don't you think you could, I don't know, sing better? You're just messing it up." She said meanly.

"Patrick, don't listen to her. You have the best voice in the world. If anyone should step it up a notch, it would be her." He smiled and moved on to his other songs.

"Patrick!" Rory whineda few hours later, before the concert was to start. "I'm not here to come on this tour and do nothing. If you don't let me do merch, I'll leave."

"Fine. Go over to the merch and kick the other one out." Rory slowly walked towards the merch booth and looked at the girl behind the counter.

She was wearing an extra small low cut tank top that didn't cover anything, and a pair of short shorts. She held a full beer in one hand and occasionally sipped at it, and in the other hand she held a pink cell phone she was talking into. There was a line of girls and guys sitting beside the counter, waiting impatiently for her to finish her phone call and serve them.

"HELLO!" Rory shouted after several attempts at getting the girls attention. The girl rolled her eyes and snapped her phone shut, after muttering a 'bye baby, some bitch wants to talk to me'. She turned to Rory and her jaw dropped.

"You're that whore who hit Milley!" She shrieked. Rory dropped the vodka bottle she held when cold liquid hit her face and torso. Rory slowly brang her hand to her eyes and wiped them. She looked at the girl and walked up to her, grabbing her by the hair and pushing her out of the booth.

"Stay away from here, you dumb skank." Rory hissed. The girl was close to tears from the pain and she ran off, screaming profanities. Rory slipped her shirt off and slipped a Fall Out Boy shirt on. She made sure none of her hair was wet, and got to work selling merchandise to the teens that were waiting.

Rory closed the cash register and tucked the last few t-shirts, belts, pins, posters and other bits into a box. She sighed and turned towards the arena doors, where the boys were coming out of. She took in Patrick's scared face and Pete's angry one. Joe and Andy's faces held looks of amusement. Once Pete and Patrick approached the merchandise stand Patrick spoke.

"You might want to-" Patrcik tried to warn her, but Pete cut him off.

"Why did you do that?" He hollered.

"Do what?" Rory asked with a smirk.

"Pull her hair and kick her out of the merch booth!"

"She chucked a fucking beer at me, you stupid jerk! I don't care who the hell she was, I got permission to work here and actually do something for this entire summer. Don't like it? Go jump in a goddamn lake!" By the end of her statement she was out of the booth and right in front of him. She pushed him out of her way in one swift movement and he fell to the ground from shock and the force of her push.
She turned around and stalked off to the arena where the next band was playing.

An hour later, Rory was walking back to Fall Out Boys bus. She swung open the door and stepped inside, only to find Patrick standing in the doorway, blocking her path.

"Look, I know you're mad that I pushed Pete-" He cut her off.

"I'm not, he deserved it. Just next time, don't stalk off like that, come back to the bus."
"Okay Patrick. Who was that girl anyway?"

"Milley's sister, Amber. She was touring with Paramore, and Milley offered to let her do merch for us."

"Oh." Rory muttered.

"What did she chuck at you anyway?" Patrick asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Her beer." He nodded, thinking, just as Pete walked into the room.
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