What Now?

I think I love you.

What happens next? The best and worst 2 weeks of my life. The girl thats been hanging with me started getting closer. We were rubbing shoulders, and she was pulling me close. What teenage boy thats never had a girlfriend wouldn't just love this? I did. I loved every minute of it. She seemed better even more, because her old boyfriend had been with her for a whole two years.

She started to look through my cell phone, and looked through most of my texts. Then, I realized that most of my friends had been pressuring me to ask her out. I really wanted to, but I was just too ignorant on what to do. I truly didn't know. She saw it before I could get my cell phone back, and asked what they meant. I told her, of course, and she didn't seem surprised at all. She just asked why I hadn't. All I said was that I didn't think I was ready. We left the conversation there, and went on. The other two days of Florida weren't much different. She was inviting me to things, I was obviously accepting. The day I was a bit unsure though, was the day of Epcot. I was going to sit with her for the fireworks. It was supposed to be amazing. It wasn't.

Most of my friends at that time were starting to wonder why I wasn't going with them, and who I was going with. I didn't tell them at all. They wanted to watch, so I didn't show them. I didn't go sit next to her. She didn't come sit next to me. I just brushed it off, and let it slide. She started to send my these beautiful drawings of our names together. It was amazing, but nobody believed me that she sent them to me, and I didn't want to show them. I thought it was a prize.

The plane left port on Saturday afternoon. we got back later a bit at night. I was so exhausted, that I just went to sleep. Sunday came along, and the girl texted me, saying that she thought about the texts my friends sent me, and that she wondered if I thought they were right. I said they were. She asked if I wanted it. There was a week left of school, It was 8th grade, I'd never had a girlfriend, and I jumped on the opportunity.

That Monday came along, and I learned she didn't tell nearly as many people as I did. I told every single friend about us. They all figured it anyway, and it didn't' come as a surprise. What did come as a surprise however, was that she told nobody. I was flirting with her all day, pulling her close, talking to her, messing with her hair, just general boyfriend girlfriend stuff. Her friends all made fun of me, saying, "Aww. He's flirting with her!" And the only thing I replied with was, "So?" They didn't have a reaction to that one. She gave me a side long glance, and I didn't know what to do.

There was some other girls I thought I liked, but I knew they didn't really like me. Some of my other friends kinda didn't support me hanging out with this girl, but I wasn't going to dare pass this opportunity up. We had a date for the movies the next week. This wasn't going to be easy. Her old boyfriend was still completely out of his mind. He was angry at her. He was angry at me. She just basically told him to get over it, but she did it in a nicer way. She still didn't want to be angry about what happened.

The entire time we were together, it was a stressful time for me. First girlfriend, I couldn't sleep right, everything was out of whack. Nothing seemed important anymore except for her. The week crept along slower than the rest of the school year. She seemed to always be sad, and she would always say she wasn't. Her old boyfriend was still causing her some trouble, and she was in a corner, crying to herself. Some of her friends came over, and I eventually made my way across to her. We were outside, and it was a baseball dugout thing, and I just simply sat down on the step below her. Very quickly, she moved herself next to me, and cried into my shoulder. I put my arm around her, and told her she would be okay. I told her I was there for her. She told me to go play the game my class was playing, but I said I wanted to stay with her. She didn't disagree, and we just sat there for a good twenty minutes, her just being sad, and silent, me doing the same, comforting her, making her feel a bit better.

Most of that week was the same. Her old boyfriend would come talk to her, I just would happen to not be around, and she would be crying. I would always try to comfort her, but sometimes, she didn't want me around. My feelings for her were more than I've ever experienced. More than I've ever felt for anyone. The most I've felt was a like of someone. I thought I truly loved this girl.

This was a true overbearing thought of an underprivileged 14 year old. The week ended with the same. Every day it happened that she would be crying. I would go over. That was it. Then, the real troubles happened. A big fight between them both went on, and she wouldn't talk to me more than two words. I heard from one of the guys friends, that she asked him out again, and he said no. I didn't believe him in the slightest.

The last day of school, it turned out we still had classes. Health Class came up, and one of the girls friends said that I was just being used. Thats what all my friends said, but when it came from one of hers, it really meant something. That entire class was my torture. I was horrified. Some other girls came over, and said it wouldn't be so bad, but I wouldn't listen to a single one of them. I really did think this girl was lying to me about it all. The school day ended, and we talked. We hugged, and it was all made up. She didn't lie about it, and it was all untrue. That next day, we had our movie date. We went with another couple, so it wouldn't be so bad. That other couple left us alone, and we just watched the movie. Most of the time, I had my arm around her, and about half way through, she started to whisper to me. I couldn't make it out perfectly, but it sounded nice. Suddenly, she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I knew what she wanted. She wanted to kiss on the lips.
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Its late at night, if parts don't make sense, Sorry, just mash it together. More Chapters coming eventually, This is a complicated story of.. Basically the last 2 weeks of my school year life. This is a true story. Every bit of it. """Edit""": Okay, That comment is right. I did rush through. Lemme add just a bit more for this chapter.