

The sound of young boys helping and harassing their mother woke up the sleeping William, he smiled and sat up, his long messy black hair falling in his face. One of his arms reached above his head in a stretch, the other rubbed the gruff on his chin. He smiled again as the children's voices picked up in volume, their mother playfully teasing them. Finally he opened up his blue eyes and looked at the door with a smile on his face.

With a yawn he threw his legs out from under the covers and slipped his feet into his boots. William walked to the dresser and pulled on his shirt. He then pulled the straps on his pants over his shoulders. He sighed as he looked out at his farm, and all the work he had set up for the day. He turned to leave his room when a loud “BOOM!” rang through the house.

He ran into the kitchen to find his wife holding each of his twin boys on either side of her. The terrified looks on their faces made him turn around, only to see several of HIS guards towering over him. William turned quickly and ushered his family to the back of the house.

The soldiers, all wearing blue, caught up to them quickly, dragging them back into the kitchen. William fought against the soldier that held him, only to receive a blow to the back of his head with the hilt of a small sword. He winced and felt his knees go weak. The soldiers grip on his arms kept him from falling to the ground.

A tall soldier walked in, only standing out with the green color of his tunic.

“What do you want!,” William growled. “We’ve paid our taxes, stayed quiet and have given you a percentage of whatever crops we have grown. What do you want?”

The soldier in green just laughed. He looked at his subordinates and crashed his gauntlet into the side of William’s face. William hit the ground hard. Before he could lift himself back up he heard a scream. He cringed as the point of a blade entered slightly into his back. He looked up at his wife and terrified sons.

His wife had her hand covering her mouth, trying to suppress the scream she had just released.

“You know William,” he stated with a smirk, “Your wife is very smart, she has evaded us for too long now,” He laughed cruelly, “and because of it, you will watch your family die, and be left with absolutely nothing!” he said as he bent towards Williams face, which was still plastered to the hard floor.

William growled in response and struggled to rise, only to have the sword being driven further into his back. He grit his teeth and looked at his wife and children. Terror and sorrow filled his blue eyes.

His wife looked back at him, her clear green eyes glazed over with horror. She held the boys close to her body. “I’m sorry,” she mouthed to William.

The soldier in green moved slightly and William brought his leg around tripping the man. He stood up quickly and went to free his family. Before he was able to reach them he received a heavy blow to his head, splitting the skin right above his ear. He fell to the ground, fading in between consciousness. Hot sticky blood ran down his face as he struggled to stand. The soldier kicked him again and ordered the others to be taken out of the house.

William fought to retain consciousness, but failed, he watched his family being dragged forcibly out of the house as his vision blurred and finally blacked out.
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Eeep! I know that this is third person, but that is only because Dailyn is the main character of this story... Don't worry it will all come together soon!

9/11/08 Revised