

My body screamed in pain as I urged my limbs to continue. My pack seemed to grow heavier with each step I took. I ran through the previous events in my head, and again I grew furious with myself for falling into such a simple trap. A new wave of pain shot through my arms when I realized my nails were digging into my palms.

The sound of hooves interrupted my thought process and for some reason I had the urge to hide. So I did. Quickly I moved into the bushes, trying to keep out of sight from anyone that would be on the road.

Four horses came into view, bearing soldiers in green tunics. My heart stopped and my breath caught in my throat as I watched them ride slowly towards me. They didn’t seem in too much of a hurry to get anywhere fast.

“What a lame assignment,” one of them groused.

“I know, what’s so special about that old hag’s granddaughter anyway?” another retorted. My eyebrows met in confusion as I listened. My lungs suddenly ached for air and I realized that I had been holding my breath. Before I could command my lungs a silent breath, my body dragged in a sharp gasp.

One of the men turned in my direction, stopping his horse. I closed my eyes tightly praying they wouldn’t see me.

“Did you guys hear that?” the man asked. His voice was rough and familiar, my eyes shot open to see who spoke.

“No, you’re imagining things again Kingston.”

“Are you sure you didn’t hear that?” he pushed. My mind raced. Kingston? As in my brother? I listened still, trying to see past the helmet the man wore.

“Come on Kingston, let’s keep going, that girl Dailyn isn’t smart enough to keep off the roads.” I heard a low growl emit from the soldier’s chest.

“You underestimate her. The old hag, our grandmother taught her a lot, whether she knows it or not. And I would appreciate it if you would cease to talk about my sister like that!” My heart stopped at what Kingston had said. They were looking and talking about me! I waited until they were out of sight and earshot before I stood. The motion tore at my stiff muscles and I winced in pain.

My mind raced as I stood there still; staring in the direction the soldiers had gone. Move! The strange calming voice took me by surprise as it broke me out of my trance. I turned sharply and headed into the trees, but only far enough to keep the road in sight. The trees and brush around me were tall and foreboding, but served well as a hiding place. I settled into the dirt, hugging my knees close to my chest. A sharp shiver ran through my aching body as I sat there, my mind folding over the fact my brother was alive.

I couldn’t believe it, he’s been missing for three years. Everyone had thought he died. Memories of our childhood days assaulted my mind with enough force to bring tears to my eyes.

His laughter filled the air, along with the bright smile that lit up his young face. Kingston looked back at me, his bright green eyes smiling. I ran as fast as my ten year old legs could take me, trying to catch up to him.

“Come on Dailyn!” he hollered at me as he ran still. I laughed happily as I ran. My legs seemed to move faster as I caught up, jumping onto his back. Even though he was my twin he was still much bigger than me and able to hold my slight weight. He fell to the ground playfully and rolled me off of him, “Ok, ok Dailyn you win!” he laughed again.

I loved the sound, I laughed after him and hugged him. The warm sun soaked through our skin as we laid there in the dirt.

“How did you do that?” he asked suddenly.

“Do what?” I responded sitting up slightly.

“You flew,” he said simply rising from the dirt.

“I did not, you know that’s not possible,” I insisted. I could feel a frown forming on my face.

“But Dailyn, you can never catch up with me. And you did, when I looked back your feet were off the ground,” he pushed still. My lips formed a tight line and I turned away from him.

“Only witches and wizards can fly, and we both know I am neither.” My arms folded tightly across my chest as I stood, suddenly angry with him.

My head swam as I pulled out of the memory, my legs aching as if I had just run. I shivered and pulled my bag off of my back, along with the quiver and bow. Carefully laying them on the dirt next to me I looked up at the stars. My heart ached for my grandmother. And now that I know my brother is alive, my heart aches for him too. My head swam, trying to process why he had taken up arms with the very man that killed our grandmother. I shook my head of the thought and let my head rest against my bag. My eyes closed wearily as I tried to sleep.
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I know it took a long time to get this up... I was stuck in the writers block from hell...