Just Impolite

Please Don't Sue Us

"Is she okay?" said an unfamiliar voice.

There were some movements made in the room. Probably about three other people in there, not including the person who just spoke up. I felt a sharp pain in my rib cage and right leg.

Some papers shuffled, "It's nothing life-threatening. She's just got one or two fractured bones. If she rests enough and take some medication that includes codeine, she'll be fine."

A phew sighs of relief was let out.

"Nothing's going to file against us, right? I mean it was practically two in the morning and she came out of nowhere," another voice asked with a slightly worried tone.

At first, I was confused of what was going on, until I thought for about five seconds about what happened before I gained concious. I'd just gotten into an arguement with my abusive boyfriend, and I'd stormed out of our aparment to get it off my mind. It got to my head and it was all I'd focused about, so when I crossed the street, well j-walked, I got hit by a car.

"Well, I myself wouldn't say that it's likely, but it's up to her," The man replied, who I assumed was the doctor.

A groan was let out, "Fuck."

"I'm going to check on another patient for now, excuse me for a few moments," the doctor said as the door opened and then closed.

I tried opening my eyes, but they weren't obeying me, so I rubbed my eyes and soon enough they crept open. The light coming from the ceiling shined so damn brightly that it'd practically blinded me, so I groaned.

"Someone's awake," a voice announced.

I slowly opened my eyes again, little by little to adjust to the lighting. I looked around the room to see that to my left a boy in a hospital bed like myself, another boy in a chair with a neck brace, and one last boy standing up in crutches.

Well, they weren't really boys. They seemed either my age or older, I couldn't tell precisely. The one in the bed looked the youngest. He was scrawny and pretty much a bag of bones. The one in the chair had puppy-dog brown eyes and a gorgeous jaw. The one standing up had hair that went down to just about his shoulder.

"We're sorry for breaking your bones," the one in the chair apologized, "I'm Brendon. And I'm super duper poor, so I hope you find it in you to let us slide!"

"Don't give her your name, or she'll track you down and sue you!" the one in crutches joked with a chuckle, "I'm Brent. And because Ryan probably won't introduce himself, Ryan's the one in bed."

Ryan, who apparently broke his arm, waved at me meekly.

I nodded at these strangers and laughed sort of to myself because they were scared out of their minds that I'd pull a law suit on them. "It's fine, it was my fault anyways."

The three boys looked at each other and exchanged smiles.