Just Impolite

No Guts, No Glory. But I have guts!

As soon as it was my last day at the hospital, my parents came to visit and take me home until I get things back to peace. My dad and his friends went to Rob’s apartment, which I no longer live in, and got all my stuff. He, my father, didn’t want me to have to deal with the ass of a boyfriend anymore.

My mom and my sister took care of me mentally and emotionally. They calmed me down upon the whole boyfriend drama. I never seemed to actually live down what happened in the past week. Paranoia became a pretty permanent thing upon my personality. I couldn’t help it though; it just seemed to scar me all by itself.

I looked at the florescent sticky note that I’d kept in my pocket for about a week. Yes, it’s been a week since I’ve been in the hospital. Yes, I still haven’t got the guts to call Ryan. Originally, I was going to call him the day after I got home, but my family was too busy making a big hullabaloo about Rob and my safety. Then throughout the week, I felt it’d be too awkward to call him.

So I just sit here in my old room, at my parent’s house, reading the note over and over. They had a feeling Rob wasn’t right for me, so they kept everything the way I’d left it. But anyways, I looked at the ten digits on the little square piece of paper with my phone in the other hand, thinking.

I looked at the numbers for so long I practically memorized it by heart. I know he lives in Summerlin because he had the same area code as me. It made me happy inside that he lived here. I’m sure you know why by now.

“Oh fuck it,” I said to myself as I dialed his number and listened to the phone ring.

After seven rings, I was about to hang up when a familiar voice answered.

“Hello?” he said.

It made my heart beat a thousand times because didn’t know what to say. So I just hung up a split second later.

Frustrated with myself, I threw my head back and groaned. I regretted hanging up on him. Maybe we could’ve had a decent conversation like we did back in the hospital. Maybe we would’ve been greater friends. Maybe we could ha-

My thoughts were interrupted by a ring.

I looked at my phone and saw Ryan’s number, but I didn’t answer it. I let it ring for a while, looking at it, wondering if I should pick it up. So I grabbed up all the confidence I had and said, “Hello?”

“Hey, did you call?” he asked on the other line.

I bit my bottom lip because I was still regretting that I hung up, “Uh, yeah, I did.”

“May I ask who this is?” he said politely.

I took a deep breath and tried being a bit more relaxed. “Amelie Arthur, at your service.”

“Oh,” he replied with a small chuckle, “I thought you were dead since it’s been, what, a whole damn week?”

“Hey,” I protected myself, “I have a life you know!”

“Well then I supposed you’d have a social life too.”

There was a pause made, so I could think of a comeback, but I failed, “Touché.”

He laughed again, which cause me to smile. “So how are you? What’s up with Rob and such?”

“I’m still recovering. I can’t run or carry heavy stuff that’d put too much weight on my leg. I moved out of Rob’s place and currently live with my dorky parents. Rob, went to jail,” I took a breath, “but I am scarred for life now. My sister said I should move on and date her friend, but I’m actually afraid of being in relationships now. Also I have a terrible fear of streets.”

“Well, I don’t blame you for being afraid of those things,” he said with his calm voice, “but I encourage that you get over it within a month or so. Don’t let it scar you. There are great people out there who’d probably make you happy.”

I sighed, “I guess. Hopefully I’ll get over it.”

“You better,” he laughed, “Well, I’m going to hang out with Spencer, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye,” I departed.

As I was about to hang up, he spoke up. “Wait, you live in Summerlin, right? I know via your area code.”

“Oh, yeah, I do. Why?” I asked with hope in my voice.

I heard his adorable laugh again, “I like to know these things.”

“You’re strange,” I replied while hiding my disappointment.

“Aren’t we all?” he said, “Well, Spencer’s waiting. Call you later, or so.”

“Ciao,” I said and hung up my phone.

As I lay back on my pillow, my mind seemed to wonder about. Ryan’s pretty strange. When he asked if I lived in Summerlin it was the perfect opportunity to hang out or something. But no, instead he just wanted to collect information like some creepy stalker. Then again, he is pretty interesting that way, and if he’s using some technique to lure me in so he could rape
me later, it sure as hell was working.

But I know that he’s not like that. He’s a nice guy. Yet in the back of my head, I was a bit uneasy about him. Rob ruined me, I guess.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler-ish. BUT HEY, I got Amelie and Ryan to contact each other again. Which is a start of a great friendship, or so. At least I kicked it off with the two, right? So that makes it slightly filler, but not really :]

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