Blue And Yellow

Feel Free to Call It 'Home'

I looked at my new home with a smile planted on my face.

Sure, it was a small apartment. But I liked it. It gave me a sense of accomplishment that I can actually take care of myself and pay for my own crap, instead of relying on my parent's money. I'm not saying I don't like them helping me, it's just this feeling of pride when you can take care of yourself.

As I loaded the last box in, my roommate greeted me with a PB&J sandwhich in hand. He was a year or two older than me, had pitch black hair which was straightened until his hair was dead, piercing blue eyes, lip rings, and extremley tight skinny jeans. He was pretty cute, I guess. Just a little too extreme for me.

"Welcome to my place," he said as he swallowed a bite of his sandwich, "It's not much, but it's our place now. Feel free to call it 'home'."

And with that, he went back to the kitchen. I was extremely excited though. I couldn't wait to unpack everything and start to make my room filled with all my little knick-knacks. I had a bunch of shit. Tons of Hello Kitty crap, Japanese toy figurines, piles of clothes, collectable toys, vintage pictures, you name it. I liked it though. I hung up pictures of Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, The Beatles, David Bowie, Bilie Holliday, all the good stuff. I lay out my little trinkets onto my shelf in a neat, organized manner. I hung every thing that needed to be put into the closet, folded every shirt, and placed away all undergarments and socks.

"Finito," I said to myself. I felt complete. I'd spent an hour and a half doing all that unpacking, and had left over boxes. I folded them all up and put them ontop of the other, and then I went to the kitchen to ask Corey, my roommate, where the recycling bins were.

"They're outside, downstairs," he informed, "But I guess I'll take you there and might as well show you around."

I agreed excitedly. All this excitement was happening in one day, and it all made me so happy.

As Corey took some of the folded boxes, I put on my shoes, opened the door, picked up my pile of boxes, and let him lead me around. We carefully walked down the stairs, trying not to drop a single box, or we'd do some crazy crap to fix it all.

While walking to the recycling bins, he told me where the gym and pools were. He also told me about the few people he knew of that lived in the same aparment building.

"Mrs. Wilterby and her son lives in the house next to the recycling bins. She left her husband when she saw him sleeping with Eve. Sad for Mrs. Wilterby that Eve lives right above her apartment," Corey told, "Two apartments to the left of our place is Leah. She's 19, just at your age. She just moved here a couple weeks ago. From all that I've spoken to her, she's pretty nice."

I saw a redhead from Leah's building, whom I assumed was Leah, run towards Corey and I.

"Hey! You're Corey's new roommate, huh?" she asked me.

"Yeah," I answered, "I'm Cat. I'd sound smarter if my name was Catherine, but it's not. Just simply Cat."

"That's pretty cool, actually," the girl replied, "I'm Leah."
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I know I type short chapters, but Quizilla was different. Don't worry, I'm going to start typing really longerrrrr chapters. The first 5 or 6 chapters were imported from Quizilla, so yeah. It gets better, I promise.