Blue And Yellow

Dirty Little Secret


Ryan and I watched the movie in peace, with no bothers whatsoever. I enjoyed every little moment honestly. But at the back of my head I couldn’t help but wonder is this just a fling or is it a relationship? I felt bad for having doubtful thoughts like that, especially because this is Ryan.

My thoughts started getting worse as I started trying to push it to the back of my mind. What happens when this is over? Can we go back to the way we used to be, or will it be awkward? I took a quick glance at Ryan, who was fiddling his thumb with mine.
He reminded me of a cute little kid, but at the same time he was mature and all the rest. Nonetheless he and I have that physical attraction, like magnets. Just holding hands with him makes me all giddy and excited inside.

Then the door opened with Corey popping in after. Ryan and I immediately let go of each other’s hands and watched the movie, trying to look casually.

“Hey Ryan, Cat,” Corey greeted while holding a plastic grocery bag in hand, “I didn’t expect you to be up by now, my little beer stealer.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, “It was Brendon, not me.”

“But you drank it,” he said in an obvious tone.

Ryan looked at me with an interested look on his face. Of course I knew he wanted to know the scandalous-sounding story. He probably expected a drunken mess. “Did you guys have hot drunk sex?” he asked like a curious child.

I rolled my eyes at him, “Geez, if I didn’t know any better, you and Brendon are twins.”

“Quite possibly,” he laughed, “but did you?”

In the same tone he had said to me I replied, “Quite possibly.”

He pushed the side of me playfully and then he studied me a bit. I bit my lower lip and soon enough I got nervous. Why is he just staring all of a sudden? I tensed up a bit, but I stared into his hazel-like eyes. I never noticed them before, actually.

“God, just kiss her already, Ross,” Corey groaned, “Don’t be such a pussy.”

He gave Corey the finger, and I just laughed at the irony. Corey gave him two fingers back and gave him an absolutely hilarious face along with it. Then the door was knocked, and everyone looked that way. I got up and peeked through the little peep hole on the door to see a tall blond lady.

I opened the door and she immediately greeted me. “Oh hello,” I could hear a Turkish accent escape her lips, “I’m Eve.” She held out a hand for me to shake.

I shook her boney, cold hands. She was quite pale, had piercing blue eyes, wispy salt water washed hair, and a very thin body. Her cheeks had a bit of rose blush and her lips had red lipstick placed on it perfectly. She wore a heather gray v-neck, dark indigo skinny jeans, and a leather jacket.

“Hi, I’m Cat,” I introduced, “Uh, do you need Corey or something?” I asked nervously. She was definitely gorgeous, and her presence was really strong. Nonetheless, Corey told me that she’s not one to trust. It made her a suspicious character.

“Oh no, Cat. I’m here to visit you,” she said while pulling a cigarette out of her back pocket. She lit it and let out rings of smoke like a pro, “I didn’t know Corey had a female roommate, unless you’re his girlfriend or something.”

“No, I’m his roommate. I’m not into him like that.”

She poked her head into the house and exhaled some smoke in, “Well, tell him I said hello.”

And with that, she walked down the stairs with such grace. It was amazing how pretty she was, and how she got me so nervous. It makes me curious to know what she’s like. But I coughed some of the smoke that was let into me out and went to the two boys who were now in the kitchen.

“Who was at the door?” Corey asked.

I coughed again, “Eve.”

Corey frowned and took a sip of his beer. It’s pretty strange for me to see someone drinking so early, but I guess it’s because I don’t see that often. Plus who gets drunk at 7AM? I took a whiff of my shirt and it grossly smelled like cigarettes.

“You smell disgusting,” Ryan announced as he crinkled his nose, “I thought you don’t smoke anymore.”

“I don’t,” I protected myself; “Eve was smoking.”

Then the three of us heard knocking on the sliding glass door. Of course, it was Brendon.
He had his head rested on the door and looked half asleep. This time Corey went to get the door. As he welcomed Brendon in, Ryan and I looked at each other with small smiles on our faces. We being alone in the kitchen felt sneaky, but we didn’t do anything.

“Cat, you’re a bitch for bringing out the vodka…” Brendon moaned as he took a seat from one of the dining room table’s chairs, “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”

I turned to him with a hand on my hips, “You started it!”

“You’re being too loud,” he complained.

My head shook at my hungover and pathetic friend. Corey patted him on the back, which caused Brendon to groan again. I felt bad for the fellow so I sat next to him and poked his cheek, “Sorry, buddy.”

He looked at me and gave a weak smile, “It’s okay, sunshine.”

“I should be getting home,” Ryan said as he looked at his watch, “Hobo likes to get her walks at specific times.”

“Hobo?” I asked.

He gave a quick chuckle, “My Teacup Beagle.”

Brendon and Corey said their byes, and Ryan and I went to the door. We stared at each other for three seconds and then he gave me a quick squeeze. It felt warm and innocent.
“I guess it’d be different if we said ‘I love you’ now.”

“If we did, it’d still be as friends, right?”

“Yeah,” he agreed and took a long pause, “I love you.”

I was wrong. It wasn’t the same. It felt like it was a whole ‘nother level of ‘love’. I knew he wasn’t in love with me, but it just felt stronger than friends. I felt horrible that we couldn’t undo what has happened between us, but I was glad that we had our connection.

“I love you too,” I managed to spit out.

He smiled, pinched my cheek, and left. I headed back to Brendon and Corey. Corey was making coffee and Brendon simply had his head lying on the table.

“Cat,” he called out to me, “Bring me to the couch.”

A sigh spilled out of my mouth, but at the same time deep down inside of me, I was glad to help this lame fool. I pulled one of his arms, draped it around my shoulder, and stood up while lifting his weight along with me to the couch. Once we got there, he laid on my lap. I smiled down at the loser in front of me and played with his hair as I watched the credits of Big Fish role by.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol, Cat threw a lot of insults at Brendon in this chapter x] !

I think my writing is starting to suck now :P . I mean I like the events and crap that happen, it's just the way I write is starting to disappoint me. Hmmm.. And it's awkward to right up Ryan + Cat stuff. In my mind it seemed easier, but I guess not. Maybe THEY'RE why I don't write well o:

And I'm kind of happy I got Eve into the story. Soon enough, it'll seem like the story will focus on introducing the neighbors (: .

The thing is I also want a story to this, and not only just focus on romance, heh.


PS: you should know who the title credit goes to ! 0: