Blue And Yellow

Inches and Falling


Leah and I, being the snoopy girls we are, watched Brendon and Eve swap spit. He had his back on my door and she pressed him against it, they were probably grinding. Gross. Leah and I made grossed out faces to each other like little kids, but with kids come curiosity, so we looked back to the two love birds.

But soon enough, they parted with Brendon having a goofy smile on his face and Eve leaving down the stairs with a satisfied smirk. When she got down to the side walk, she looked at me and Leah, smirked even more, waved, flipped her hair, and headed off to her apartment.

It was like she knew it bothered me, and yes I admit that did bother me. I’m not jealous; I’m just not a fan of PDA. Watching her shove her tongue down my friend’s throat was disgusting. But she was not the only person who disgusted me. Brendon was going up and down her body and smashing his pelvis against hers, that’s disgusting.

“That lady is such a whore,” Leah gasped while looking at Eve, “She’s still with that middle-aged guy.”

“Really?” I asked in shock, “That’s gross. She’s got to be twenty, at least. The dude’s a pedo or something?”

Leah shrugged and unbuckled her seatbelt. I did the same whilst bringing out my bag of goodies my friends pity-bought for me. Brendon was still leaning against the entrance to my house with a daydream plastered in his eyes.

I snapped in front of his eyes with my free hand, and he returned to reality. “What?” he asked looking at me.

“Open sesame?” I asked jokingly.

He stared at me for a few minutes, processing what I meant, and then his head shot up in realization. “Oh, sorry.”

The two of us, Leah and I, proceeded into my house. Leah took a seat on the couch while texting and I went to my room to throw the bag of pity-items onto my bed. I kicked off my loafers, which were a pain to wear because they’re made of some hard vintage material, and put on a pair of Totoro slippers to help relax my aching feet.

“Dude, I still can’t believe Brendon and Eve, ew!” Leah exclaimed like a child would when they saw people showing a public display of affection, “Oh, and cute slippers.”

“Thanks,” I replied while sitting with her, “and I know what you mean. It makes me feel so… ugh.”

My body shuddered as the image came back to my mind again. Brendon and Eve, gross. Don’t think I’m making a big deal because I’m jealous. I’m not, geez. And yet the more I thought of it, the more it made me angry.

Leah flipped her phone open and texted again, “No offense, but I think Eve’s a whore.”

I nodded and pulled my knees to my chest. The anger went away, but I do feel a bit down. What if Brendon and her date or something? Who’s to say she won’t cheat on him? And what about the old fart she’s living with? Disappointment came in next. I thought Brendon was smarter than this, nonetheless had better taste.

Following in Leah’s actions, I pulled my phone out and started texting Ryan. He’s someone I tell everything to. My fingers texted like the wind, but I stopped mid-sentence. Why am I making a big deal? I mean it’s Brendon’s choices.

But then another part of my brain told me I’m being a good friend by feeling this way because I don’t want him to be some man-slut or man-whore or whatever you call them! And if I had someone helped me decide what’s the best thing I should-could-and-would do, and that ‘someone’ is also one of Brendon’s best friends.

So I just finished the text and sent it.

Ry, Brendon was caught making out with the apartments’ whore, and she’s dating another guy. And another thing is he knows she’s not single.

I waited a bit, and a reply came in a jippy.

Talk to him about it or something. Maybe he has his side of the story. Don’t jump into conclusions or anything.

That made me feel like that was the most obvious thing to do. Geez, why’s he so smart? It makes him have more charm though.

Thanks Ry. Want to come over later?

Do you really have to ask? No crap I do. What time?

You’re cute. Anytime. Corey and I are watching a move, btw.

I closed my phone, not really needing to know his reply. It was probably some sort of agreement to the movie. Leah was still texting and Corey was wobbling around in the living room. His hair was messy, which was unlike how it usually was. Straight, edgy, and clean. Not today though. He also was wearing neon pink boxers and a white v-neck.

“Good afternoon,” Leah greeted him.

I giggled, “Hey, Sleeping Beauty.”

He gave us the finger and headed towards the kitchen and grabbed a carton of something and drank straight from it. “This tastes like shit,” he said grumpily as he put it back in the fridge.

“Hey! That’s my soy milk, jerk,” I realized, “But you can have it now.”

“I don’t want it,” he pouted as he reached in the fridge for something else to snack on, “Plus that’s what you get for stealing my beer.”

“Someone likes to hold grudges.”

He replied with a whining noise and continued on his snacking. Soon enough, Leah joined him as well, and I eventually caved in. We managed to drink the soy milk (Leah and I decided to drink it, despite the Corey germs), eat the last piece of brownie I’d bought a while ago, gobble down half the bucket of rocky road ice cream, and same prewashed spring mixed salad-in-a-box.

“What movie are we watching tonight?” I asked while chewing on some greens.

Corey shrugged and chugged down a cup of water, “I’m in the mood for something classic.”

“The Breakfast Club!” Leah added herself in the conversation.

“Ooh, I love that movie,” I agreed, “Yeah, let’s watch that.”


The three of us huddled up on the couch watching the classic 80’s high school movie about five teenagers who have a Saturday morning dentition for one reason or another, and learn a good ol’ lesson a thing or two about each other. Apparently, Corey had a huge crush on Molly Ringwald when he was younger.

We also sang along to the soundtrack. It was a good blast from the past, even if we were born in the late 80’s and all. My favorite scene was the dancing scene. It looked so fun and unique, and definitely made a signature thing for the movie.

The door bell rang, and I immediately claimed to get it. I was anxiously waiting for Ryan the whole time, honestly. When I peeked through the peep hole, I did see who I wanted to see… and someone who I was sort of nervous and scared to see.

“Hello there, Cat,” Ryan greeted me and pointed at Brendon, “I found this sitting next to your door.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Rofl, this one was long o___o . Another one coming up SOON 'cos this was such a filler. I know, I'm horrible. Hahaha, I have a tendency to write fillers... SORRY! Hehe.

Oh, and if you don't know what / who Totoro is, you suck! Totoro is a classic Japanese anime movie by Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki also did movies like Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and a bunch more. He works with Ghibli Studios, which did a whole collection of other movies. I recommend you guys watch them if you haven't, unless you don't like anime / cartoons.

Totoro looks like this! <3

ANOTHER THING, I saw that 'The Way We Talk' chapter got more views than the 'Go Speed, Go' chapter. The thing is 'Go Speed' came before 'The Way...'. MY SUBSCRIBERS DIDN'T READ GO SPEED GO. I'm smart enough to figure that out :P. So if you haven't read it, go read it. It bothers me, haha. But you don't HAVE to. It's a filler, but it has a cute Brenny + Cat moment :]

Title credit goes to The Format :D <3