Blue And Yellow



“You know, this stuff ain’t so bad,” Leah giggled and pointed at the glass of wine in her hand.
We were celebrating that I finally got a job, specifically being at the twin’s place. I didn’t get to be an in-store artist, but I did get to be an employee there. It felt great being employed again because there’s such a sense of accomplishment.

Anyways, Leah insisted we celebrate, so we went to the nearest grocery store and bought a cake and I got out the leftover vodka. At first, Leah was hesitant about drinking because she’s never had alcohol in her life, so I left her alone about that. After a few drinks she saw me let loose and get tipsy, so her curiosity took over and got her to take a sip. It was a bit strong for her, being vodka and all, and she was an alcohol virgin, but she kept coming back to the liquor. Eventually she got used to it and enjoyed the benefit of it all.

I laughed. “I told you so, you weirdo,” I replied and gave a weed-influenced sounding laugh, “Damn, life’s good.”

I jumped onto the couch with a glass of clear goodness, spilling a bit on myself, but I made a few pathetic attempts to lick it off. Leah joined me quickly and we both just stared at the cottage cheese textured ceiling.

“Dude,” she called to me, “I can totally see Mona Lisa on your ceiling.”

My eyes squinted trying to see where she could have seen that. “I don’t see it, but I do see Freddy Mercury.”

“No, it’s right there!” she shouted while pointing her finger violently upward.

“What the fuck are you guys talking about?” Corey asked crankily as he came in the house. He was at another photo shoot. He had a different shirt from what he left with, so I guess he got free stuff from the company. “Oh God, please don’t tell me you stole my beer again.”

My body rushed up and my legs carried me towards him very messily. “Honey, I have my own liquor too you know,” I informed with a smirk on my face.” I gave a poke to his nose and gave my pot laugh again, and he rolled his eyes and threw his leather jacket on the couch, making it cover Leah.


Leah had already passed out, but I was still giddy. Corey locked himself in his room because he was getting all pissed off about Leah and my actions. After several desperate and pathetic attempts to wake Leah up, I’d quit and went to my room to play vinyl records and lay in bed while accompanying myself.

That was until my phone rang. Naturally, it was Ryan calling me because we do it every day. When he figured I was drunk, which I deny, he sent Brendon over to “watch over me so I don’t do anything stupid”. Ryan’s such a mom sometimes.

So here I am with Brendon babysitting me like a hawk. I wasn’t allowed to go to the kitchen, I wasn’t allowed to wake up Leah, I wasn’t allowed to go to Corey’s room, I wasn’t allowed outside, and I was allowed out of his view. Unfair situation, if I say so myself.

“This was certainly much more fun when you were drunk,” I informed my friend as I danced to myself with Paul McCartney’s vocals bouncing around in the room.

He gave me a sigh. “Cat, can you please just throw up and then pass -“

And that’s when I threw up on Brendon Urie’s very lovely hoodie. It’s not like I actually listened to him and voluntarily threw up, it was just the alcohol. Of course I’d feel guilty… in the morning, but right now I am horribly drunk and now the alcohol’s cons are setting upon me. The room became increasingly nauseating as it spun round and round, and Brendon was a yelling blur.

He took off his hoodie and threw it in the corner. Then, in a swift motion, his arms wrapped around my torso from behind me and he dragged me to my bed. He muttered something about me being pathetic while moving my blanket over me. Next, he brought my wastebasket over to my side, got a plastic bag from the kitchen, and securely put the bag in the basket.

“Thanks,” I said softly while slowly letting my eyes droop.

He gave a small chuckle. “No problem,” he replied and shook his head like a mother would, “What would you do without me and Ryan?”

My eyes were closed after he said that and then I felt a soft, but quick, ruffle in my hair and then a slow graze over my cheek.

“You’re adorably pathetic, Cat.”
♠ ♠ ♠
At first I planned for him to get drunk with her again, but I thought that would be boring, and sad for Corey to have to deal with all the drunks in his home. And then he'd care for them in the morning when their hangovers murder them. Oh, I make the boys in this story such girls. Ohohoho!

THIS ONE IS SHORT, I KNOW. And this "filler" helps build up Brendon & Cat's relationship.

Don't worry, I'll have some main "event" or whatever coming up within two chapters... I'll promise to TRY. Haha, I feel really rushed into Ryan and Cat. Mmm... OH WELL! And new characters are coming! They'll be introduced slowly, and I'm sure you guys will grow to accept them. Hopefully. Haha :)

Oh yeah, the next one is practically done. I'm just going to wait a few minutes (or hours...?) to post it up because I'm such a tease. MWAHAHHA.