Blue And Yellow

Everybody Gets Their Way


Over the past few days, my life had developed a schedule.

I would wake up at 7, do all my necessities, talk with Corey if he was there in the morning, and leave for work at 9:30. Most of the time, Brendon was going to work at the same time too, and then we’d have some shameless flirting. It’s not like I liked him as I do Ryan, he’s just a good friend. We just flirt for the fun of it, naturally.

Anyways, I’d head to work and then train on things like organizing the clothes back into today’s placement of shirts, folding, and all the other clothing retailer store skills. It wasn’t too different from food stores, so I didn’t train for long.

After training, I’d just do whatever’s needed. Tim and Kyle, being the young and rich entrepreneurs they were, weren’t really organized on the employee’s way of working. They had a friend of theirs be the manger of the store, and she didn’t set up a system on how we worked. Sometimes I was at cashier, but I also changed the mannequins, refold the clothes, screen print some shirts, get the orders of blank shirts from American Apparel, and etcetera.

Once work was done with, I’d drive home if I didn’t need to buy something. Next would come a shower, eating, and then work on this piece of art. Speaking of art, I didn’t get to be an in-store artist. Trish, some girl from New York, got it. She was pretty nice, I guess. She had brown hair and brown eyes. There was nothing special in my opinion. Her style of art was kind of abstract, yet classy. In reality, I think she’s a pretty good girl, but my jealousy just makes her seem… eh.

Then I’d hang out with Leah, Ryan, Brendon, or Corey for the rest of my day and occasionally make a phone call. It sounds boring, but it’s satisfying.

“Did you watch the newest Harry Potter movie this year?” Ryan asked as we made some green tea.

I shook my head. “Was it any good?”

He took out the little bag of the green tea herbs and blew his cup. “I was hoping you’d know,” he replied. Cue laughter.

“I want my tea!” Brendon whined as he watched ‘10 Things I Hate About You’, again. Ryan groaned and yelled back at his friend. He kissed me on the cheek and bit his lower lip while smiling. We liked to show each other affection while others can’t see. It was all exciting for us, but Brendon knew, so it wasn’t as exciting as it was around others. I still loved it though.

I gave his cheek a peck and we grabbed our cups, and I grabbed the one we made for Brendon as well, and went to the couch to join him in his Heath Ledger obsession. Ryan sat next to Brendon and I sat next to Ryan. Brendon eagerly drank his tea, which resulted in him burning his tongue.

Ryan rolled his eyes. “You’re such an idiot sometimes.”

“But that’s why you love me!” Brendon argued playfully with a goofy grin.

That caused Ryan and me to laugh. “I don’t get why you love this actor so much, Brendon,” Ryan said, “I mean he’s just an Australian actor. There are tons out there; I don’t see why you don’t obsess over them, and not just him.”

Brendon made an offended noise and looked at Ryan in some kind of shock expression. “Just and actor? Hello! This is Heath Ledger. He is the single-handedly most amazing, handsome, and talented actor there is,” he protected, “I mean look at him!”

“I question your sexuality, Bren,” Ryan replied with a chuckle.

“Honey, you already know I’ve got the hots for you.”

There was some silence. I didn’t really mind because I was enjoying the movie. Ryan was biting his right thumb and staring into his tea, which I guess meant he was thinking.

Brendon on the other hand was mouthing the lines of the movie to himself excitedly. He’s like a cute preteen in love with a celebrity.

The silence went on for a good ten minutes until Ryan said, “Hey, Bren, don’t you think it’s time for you to uh… leave?” He had that kind of voice when you’re trying to send someone a message while trying to sound natural, but that doesn’t work on me.

“No! I’m watching Heath Ledger and I-, “ he paused as Ryan was motioning towards me with his head and Brendon’s eyes lit, “Ohhh. So you want-. Ew, that is so gross, I’m leaving.” He got up, put his cup on the coffee table and headed out the door while yelling a quick bye.

“Oh, if I hear moaning, don’t be surprised if I joined too.”

“Can we go to your room to… y’know?” he asked shyly.

I laughed and nodded. You’d think we’d be having sex and all, by the way he and Brendon were speaking and their choice of words, but we’re not. We just play some songs and cuddle or hold hands on my bed. It’s really nice, actually. We like the silence, yet presence of each other.

Today we picked John Lennon. Whether it was love songs to Yoko Ono or peace supporting lyrics, we wanted to listen to it and cuddle. Ryan’s very soft, despite how skinny he was. At first, it was a bit awkward because both of us were pretty skinny and our bones felt like they were grinding, but we’ve adjusted. He’s softest at his stomach and upper arms.

“How long have we been ‘together’?” I asked quietly, breaking our silence of five minutes or so. In all honesty, I wanted to hint to him that I wanted to be together.

He pulled me closer and rested his head on mine. I was pressed tightly against his chest, but I didn’t mind. I liked it. And no, I’m not that short, we’re just leveled unevenly.

“A week and two days,” he replied.

Then there was silence between us with John Lennon singing in the background. Normally, I’d be fine with this silence, but right now it feels awkward and I feel frustrated and like a toy. I know that Ryan’s not the type of guy to just use a girl, but I can’t help but feel that way.

He kissed my forehead and told me not to worry. He reads people well, I suppose. “You’re cute when you’re frustrated, Cat,” he informed me and yawned.

I ignored his comment and just snuggled into his chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Credit Title: That Green Gentleman by Panic At The Disco (I didn't know what else to use)
OH, and Panic's next video / single is going to be one of the songs on tracks 6-12, but they're not revealing which. I hope it's Northern Downpour!

I sort of have a thing for The Beatles, my favorite band in the whole world. If you don't know John Lennon... L-O-L is all I have to say.

Anyways, I told you there'd be fillers until one or so more chapters. But this "filler" introduced one character, and shows how Cat feels about... stuff. It'll come up later ;) I know this isn't much Brendon/Cat, but just wait. This is a story after all. I stayed up 'til 5AM working on this, and I postponed posting it because 1, I'm a tease and 2, I was sleepy.

I missed the Warped Tour in San Fran because my sister ditched me !!! I'm so sad. Sigh. I REALLY wanted to go. And then GABE decides to post a bulletin up to tell San Fran / San Jose / Mtn. View residents to go to the party he's hosting RIGHT NOW, 4 o'clock PST time. Wah. I'm going to cry in the corner for a day and then start writing the next chapter. Hopefully it isn't a filler, ohohoh.

PS: I know this chapter sucks, I don't like it either ;]