Blue And Yellow

Cat. Cat. Cat. Kitty-Cat.

Brendon and Ryan. I sure met a bunch of interesting people today.

"You're Corey's new roommate, huh?" Brendon asked.

Did Corey tell everyone? "Yeahp."

"Well, it's nice meeting my new neighbor! I'll be seeing you every week, haha."

I was tempted to say, "I know," but I didn't want to sound like a stalker. So I just laughed with him. The rest of the night I listened to them play, sing, and talk about their band. They named it Panic At The Disco. They said their local fans added a little exclamation point after 'Panic'. I thought it was cool, yet at the same time, unnecessary.

"It was nice meeting you guys," I said right before I left, "See ya around."

"Goodniiiiight!" Brendon and Ryan sang in a Broadway style voice.

I laughed as I shut the glass sliding door. They were cute, personality and looks. I'm glad! This whole day has been pretty amazing. Nothing bad has happened, but I have work tomorrow.. And the day after, and the day after, until Saturday! Then I have two days of relaxing and lounging like the lazy ass I am. Life's finally fair.

When I went to the living room, I saw Corey laying on the couch, watching TV.

"Guess what?" I asked him, but there was no answer. "...I talked to the infamous Brendon." And again he didn't answer. So I decided to crouch down at his face. Turns out he was sleeping like a baby. The room temperature was pretty chilly, so I went to my room and got him my blanket. I crept to him and placed it on him without waking him up.

After turning off the TV, I brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. When I was trying to sleep that night, I heard singing. It was Brendon's voice. That voice just locks my attention soooo much. Clear, golden, strong.

I slowly fell asleep to such a sweet, sweet, sweeeeet sounding voice.


"Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. Kitty-Cat," a not so strange voice rang to me.

I groaned at my roommate and waved my arm all over the place trying to smack him, wherever he was.

"Stop trying to beat me up, I made you pancakes," he replied.

I shot up from my bed, which was a bad idea because the blood in my head started rushing everywhere, which caused my head to spin. Thus causing me to lay back down. I felt good though. I fell asleep very nicely, despite my insomnia. Well, actually I didn't have any
insomnia last night.

Corey pulled me up, "Cat, don't make my hard work go to waste. I worked my ass of making these so I'd be a good roommate."

I leaned on him for support. Whenever I got up suddenly from sleeping, my vision would be all colorful with specs of random colors exploding everywhere while the blood rushed down my head, causing me to be unbalanced.

"Are you hungover?" Corey asked with a laugh, "Don't puke on me."

I grumbled and mumbled to myself as I stood still for a few seconds for my blood to even out. Corey and I walked to the small table we had. There was a large plate of pancakes and two small bowls filled with syrup.

"I really don't want to wash the dishes so I compromised. Just take a cake and dip," he explained while pulling a chair out for me and then later, himself.

We ate and talked about general things like work, current events, and local places. He told me there was a shopping plaza nearby. It had a smoothie shop, grocery store, coffee shop, pet store, electronic store, and all the other basic shops.

Also I've learned that Corey doesn't have a real profession. He models whenever people asks him to. He's been in a few indie clothing brands, even Leah's brothers'! Small world, isn't it? He also is an amateur photographer and plays at coffee shops with his friends.

I wish I had a life like him because it seems really carefree and all that crap. It's so cool because he makes money for doing what he loves. I, on the other hand, just worked at a small health foods store. I'm glad I'm not working at McDonald's or something, but I'm not happy there.

"What do you want to be when you 'grow up'?" Corey asked while drowning a pancake with sugary goodness.

I nibbled my pancake and thought about it for a few, "I guess I really want to do something with arts."

"Geek," he teased.

"Knock, knock!" someone yelled through our doors.

Corey stood up from his chair and picked up the empty plate and bowls, "You get it."

"Thanks for doing the dishes," I said to him as I started heading towards the door.

I peeked through the little fish eye that doors have, so you can see who's there. And guess who it was? Brendon, surprisingly.