Blue And Yellow

Get A Room!

I stirred around uncomfortably, and freezing. Last night we watched ’10 Things I Hate About You’, and that’s just about all I remember. My eyes fluttered open and looked around. I’m still in the living room, and my blanket that I never got back from Corey was at my feet. Well, I do kick in my sleep.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Corey’s voice rang in my ears, “I returned your blanket by the way.”

“Thanks,” I said groggily while running my hands through my hair to untangle any knots. There were a lot too, “Did I fall asleep?”

He stirred his coffee and took a sip, “Like a baby.”

I laid back down for a bit and pulled the blanket up and sort of curled into myself, like a dog would. It was cold and I was trying to build up warmth. You can’t blame a girl. I slowly fell back into my dreamland, until I felt my blanket suddenly gone. Corey.

“Don’t you have work at like,” he paused to think, “8AM?”

I groaned at the thought of work, “Yeah. Why?”

He pulled me up, “You have work in ten minutes.”

“What!?” I yelled as my eyes shot open, “You’re kidding me, right?”

He shook his head and I grabbed my keys and my bag and rushed out. Thank God that I fell asleep in my uniform last night. Ooh, remind me to change undies when I get home.

I jogged down the stairs as fast as I could and bumped into a walking stick. Oh wait, that’s Ryan.

“Hey, what’s the rush?” he asked with a laugh, “You look like a mess.”

I walked to my car with him following to continue the conversation. “I have to get to work in ten fucking minutes!”

“Good luck,” he said with a wave as I sat in my car. I waved back quickly and headed towards the streets. Work was forty minutes away, and thirty minutes without traffic. I bit my lower lip hoping that Dick would lay off on me today… but I needed someone to cover for me. I picked up my cell phone and called work, but used Paul’s, my co-worker, extension number.

“Good morning, Whole Foods, how may I help you?” he answered with a dull tone.

“I need you to get someone to cover for me, and don’t let Dick know, ‘kay?”

He sighed, “Sure, anything for you.”

“Thank you, thank you, and thank you!” I exclaimed excitedly as I hung up.

I hurried into Whole Foods to see Kim working at my register. I walked in as casual as I could, and quickly. Kim was supposed to be on ‘walk around the store so no punk messes with the produce’ duty, but I can guess that Paul got her to cover.

“Thank you so much, both of you,” I said hurriedly as I took my shift.

Kim popped the bubble gum she was blowing, “No problem.”

Paul nodded as he took care of his customer and the three of us just continued work like every other day. Five days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year, and year after year we do the same thing, everyday. I think I’m going to crack one day.

My arms were pretty toned. Only because they move left and right all the time from scanning items and they lift heavy loads of crap all day. Yet I also find myself to be pretty chubby and have an extremely slow metabolism. I still look like I eat McDonald’s 24/7 even if I work in a total health nut place.

As soon as my shift was over, I drove home as usual, depressed and unsatisfied. Work is a pain in the ass and takes the fun out of life. I need to find something that would make me feel accomplished and at least has me in a content mood all the time.

I parked into my single little parking space in front of my house and lazily walked up the stairs while getting my keys out of my pockets. I stood outside the door and sort of spaced out for a bit, just thinking about what seemed like nothing. Spacing out makes me feel weird, but kind of good. And then the door opened.

“Whoa, were you about to go in?” Brendon asked me curiously.

I snapped out of my little trance, “Oh, yeah.”

“Are you okay in there?” he asked as he knocked my forehead playfully, “You seem pretty off today.”

“Work sucks,” I said as I entered the apartment and threw the black apron uniform on the couch and unbuttoned my polo.

Brendon followed closely behind, getting more intrigued into the conversation. I took a couple of minutes to tell him how I felt about work, and he told me I should just quit if I’m getting so upset about it. But I replied back saying how I don’t really have anything as a backup plan. So we just sat there for a few minutes thinking in awkward silence, until I remembered I had to shower and change. So Brendon left to his own business.


I stepped out of the shower, dried myself up, and before I put on my clothes, I looked at my body in the mirror. I took a few minutes to just judge my body. I guess you can say I’m insecure. But nonetheless, I put on my clothes and walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair.

I went back to my room and checked my phone incase I missed a phone call or text message. One text message from Leah. I haven’t talked to her for two days. I miss that girl already.

Hey, Stranger. Let’s hang out sometime :D

I smiled and texted her back.

Sure, dork. We’ll make the plans later.

I put the towel I was using to dry my hair on my chair, and took a pack of cigarettes out of one of my hoodies. The only time I smoke cigarettes is when I’m pretty down in the dumps. My excuse is work. I stepped into the balcony, a cigarette and lighter in hand, and lit the little fellow up. It was pretty relaxing, in all honesty.

“I didn’t know you smoke,” a lovely little voice said to me.

I coughed a bit and twirled the cigarette in my hands, “I do when I’m pretty stressed.”

He stirred in his chair and crinkled his nose. “Smells like shit,” he coughed, “No offense or anything.”

“Shut it, Ryan,” I demanded a bit too cranky. I bit my lip from guilt. I hated when I was cranky because people don’t see this side of me too often, so when people do see this side of me, I seem like a total bitch.

“I’m sorry…” he said like the little boy he looks like.

I sighed, “I’m sorry, Ryan. I’ve just been seriously stressed lately and smoking is how I just, well, chillax. I don’t mean to be so cranky on you.”

“Oh, it’s okay,” he said as he ruffled his hair, “And I don’t think you should smoke just because you’re stressed. Actually, I don’t think anyone should smoke, period. If you need something to make you relax you should have someone to be there for you or something. No insults intended, by the way.”

“The thing is I don’t really have anyone right now,” I sighed again, “My old friends are all at college and their schedules are so tight, they don’t have room for me.”

He gave me a meek smile, “I can be there for you.”

We stood looking at each other, only about a foot away from each other because that’s how far the balconies are separated apart. Then we leaned in for a warm friendly hug. He’s soft and he smells like vanilla.

“Hey Ryan I-“ Brendon said as he came walking through his sliding glass door. He stopped when we saw Ryan and me hugging, and Ryan and I stopped hugging because of Brendon’s intrusion. “Ew, get a room!” he quickly joked and went in.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope I didn't offend cigarette smokers and people who eat McDonald's 24/7 o____o .

Anyways, sorry I'm late. I know I usually add a chapter everyday, but I had family stuff... Sorry guys. Things are going on so my stories are going to be updated slower :[

But in a week I'll probably back on track, so don't worry! :]