Is it the end of My Chemical Romance, before it even starts?

Skittles, bass strings and coffee.

Emmy's p.o.v:
I skipped along happily, totally unaware of anything going on around me. My ipod was plugged and pounding at my ear drums. What can I say? The best place to be!

Current song: Headfirst for Halos - My Chemical Romance.

I kept on skipping, dreaming of starting my own band until I came to a corner shop. I decided to drop by and get some sweets and maybe a magazine, depending on what there was.

Gerard's p.o.v:
God, I hate Saturdays, it means I have to go to work. I work in the corner shop, just down from where I live. I swear I could kill the bloody till, bleeping away at you as you pass each product under the sensor. Its mind numbingly boring, doing this for 6 hours on a Saturday, still at least it means I have money. I noticed a blonde haired teenage girl walk in, plugged into her ipod. I smiled to myself as I guessed what magazine she would buy; Mizz, I think and some cereal bar to keep 'healthy'. She disappeared behind the rack of chocolate bars, maybe I would be proved wrong.

Beth's p.o.v Why the hell is one of my bass strings cut off? And WHY did my sister pass me on the stairs with scissors!? Lets just work it out..... AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! Okay, don't panic, I'll just try the new music shop! Its right next to the corner shop. Oh and I may get some skittles and a can of coke at the same time.

Mikey's p.o.v
Okay Mikey Way. Today is the day you get of your ass and get some frigging new bass strings!! Heave - Oh yeah man! Actually I'm only going really because the music store is right next to the corner shop and we have ran out of coffee. What a bloody crime! Oh, and my dear brother is working today - SUCKER!! I love Saturdays.

When I got to the music shop I saw this other kid in there and she bought some bass strings too! Then I followed her into the corner shop where she pounced on her mate and the went all "high-five-huggy-huggy". Pfft kids!!