Is it the end of My Chemical Romance, before it even starts?

Corner shops, Kerrang and more skittles.

Emmy's P.O.V:
I walked towards the till, Kerrang in one hand and bag of Skittles in the other. I was just about to join the queue when Something, or rather Someone pounced on top of me. I screamed. 'For the love Geee!' I turned around, to find none other than my best friend... BETH! grinning from ear to ear!
'Hey You' I smiled returning the hug and high-five.
'Heyy.. what you doing here?' She asked.
'Same as you, I’m guessing, buying Skittles and the latest Kerrang!' I nodded at the items in my hand.
'Oo, Let me guess.. new bass strings?' I asked her, looking at the music shop bag.
'Hell Yeah Man. Frigging sister cut one off. She’s so in for it later!' Beth replied with a look of anger written across her face.
'Ah, thats got to hurt. C'mon lets pay for these.' By now I had grabbed another bag of skittles and Kerrang and walked towards the queue.

Gerard's P.O.V:
Ah, so I was wrong, she has Skittles and Kerrang. Damn Good taste that girl has! I had just witness what I'm guessing is the new way for teenagers to greet each other, pouncing on one another and high fiving them. Strange, but a good way to say hey I guess! I noticed my little brother Mikey, walk into the shop behind these two girls, I winked at him and he disappeared, getting skittles I guess! After I served two more people, it was the turn of the two girls.
'Hey, you two going to have a skittles fest and kerrang read then?' I grinned at them.
I looked up, no one answered. Instead, the two of them were as white as ghosts, and their mouths dropped open in total disbelief.
I opened my mouth 'Whaa..'
I looked at their tops, their hoodies - My Chemical Romance merchandise. The blonde haired girl's bag even said 'MCR Saved My Life.'
Suddenly it all clicked.
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