Is it the end of My Chemical Romance, before it even starts?

Teenagers, Mikey and a unbearable twist.

Mikey's P.O.V:
" Na na na ana nahhh!!" Yeah? SO? It was childish but it was fun and it got an equally funny look from my bro. I walked in the shop, new bass strings in hand behind the teenage kid who pounced on someone who I really hope she knew.
"Sup bro! Where are your customers today then, Scared them away?"
"Ha ha yeah Mikey very mature. I’ve got a couple of teenage kids in here."
"Okay right... have fun.."
"Now beat it I'm doing my job!"
"See you at practise later I need to string my bass."
So with that I walked out. I don't really notice anything else because I'm a guy! Duh! I didn't even notice two teenage fans of MCR! Geeze! I wish I saw them before I went back home. Sounds like Gee had a great time with them but I was busy preparing for our fist album tour. It came out last week and we call it bullets. Maybe because were lazy or It could be another guy thing... I don’t care! Man these kids were quick to snap up the merch!!

Beth's P.O.V
"Hell yeah Em, skittles! Bands need fuel like this"
"Too right they do!" Eh? What would the shop assistant know about..................OH MY FLIPPIN GAWD!
We both turned a deathly shade of white.
"Gerard Way?" We muttered.
"Yeah the one and only. Don't look too shocked kids!"
"Wow! I absolutely love MCR. The new album was...."
"....amazing! And the merch we got yesterday is..."
"....wicked. I can't wait to see you on tour."
Yeah I might just mention that sometimes we finish each others sentences. What can I say? It could be a girl thing.... I don't care. Maaan these guys are awesome!!

Emmy's P.O.V
I could not flipping BELIEVE IT.
I'm standing right in front of my total hero.. buying goddamn skittles. Knew that would get us somewhere in the world!
Ehehe.. well it was flipping awesome, me and Beth standing there, with MCR merch on and talking to our hero.
'FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.. PLEASE TELL ME I DIDNT DREAM JUST THEN?!' I almost screamed in my friends face the minute we got out of the door!
'Err, well if you were, then I was too.' She grinned happily.
'Okay. *hyperventilates* Right, well he did say See you later?.... didn’t he?'
'Yes, Em, He sure did.' Beth replied, knowing that we would have to go over the entire conversation again, just to make myself realise that it actually happened.
'Okay, okay, right, I’m calm now. We are defo going to find out where they practise, okay? We need to meet mikey again, for your sake!' I grinned at her, knowing how much it would mean for her to meet her bass playing hero.

Gerard's P.O.V:
Whoa, that was amazing, awesome even. I just cannot believe that I just met, what could possibly the two biggest fans of MCR, buying skittles in a corner shop! AND they had MCR merch on, I mean how cool is that?! I immediately thought of Frank at that moment, how pleased would he be to meet people who love skittles as much as he does?! I made a metal note, that we would HAVE to, somehow meet those girls again. Hmmm, how about school, offer to play a gig or something. Hell that would be awesome.. I could drag them on stage and get them to sing with us. I bet they'd love that. Somehow... I know we will meet again. It's just got to happen... damn I didn’t even ask their names.. and they sure as hell knew mine!

Beth P.O.V:
Oh god I'm such a twat!! Face to face with our hero and I was buying skittles!?!? See you later he said!! Oh man I wish later was now.. which possibly defeats the whole point of the concept of later....hmmm. Later is a bitch. Anyways Emmy and me were walking out the shop when we saw Mikey Way!! Luck ducks you may think but it wasn't like that at all. We saw a man with a knife run passed us. My instinct was to run at him - run at him and kill him, tear him limb from limb but there was a greater cause. The poor beaten body in the middle of the road. We wouldn't have recognised him if it wasn't for his glasses. I followed Emily's lead and ran over to him.
"Mikey.... Mikey can you hear me"

Mikey's P.O.V
Yes. I can hear you. I can hear a voice but see only but black shapes filling my mind. I think I’m moving but I’m not. Every time I try to move I cant. Oh, I don’t make sense.
Wait... h...hold on. I can feel pain begin to traumatise my body again. I can feel a stabbing pain in my chest. Its terrible. I opened my eyes, panting with every move. As I look down my body I feel sick.
Hang on again... Those are the girls from the shop. One Is holing my hand and the other is coming with my brother calling someone.
"Mikey bro!! Oh my god" Gerard was practically screaming, staring at the bloody open wound on my chest.
"Gee, Its those emo haters they wont leave me alone"
"Man. All teenagers scare the living shit out me"
"Hey.. that’s a good line..."