Don't Stay Because I Need You

Say What You Mean

“Get out!”

“I am!”




“Fine! I am leaving!”

“About time!” I grabbed Tom’s cap off the coffee table and threw it at him just as the door slammed shut behind him.


I ran over and picked it back up, dusting it off as best I could. I walked back over to the couch and laid down, placing the cap in my face. It even smelled like the bastard. I rolled over, curling my knees up to my chest and clutching the cap as close to me as I possibly could. I hated when we fought. He always went away for days at a time, leaving me to worry until he returned. I felt a tear roll down the side of my cheek and silently began to sob into the cap.

It was nothing new, my reaction. Tom had this same effect on me since I was six. He was a year older than me and to be honest…I wasn’t quite sure why he came back. Every time I was pissed off at him he’d leave, sleep with some other girl…then come crawling back to me and I would always forgive him. Because I, Jennifer Ann Grey, was in love with Tom Kaulitz. I knew he was a man whore, and that he could have any woman he wanted probably, but for some odd reason beyond even my understanding... I didn’t care.

I shot up as I heard the door swing open, rather violently.

“I need my-“ Tom had begun to shout but stopped mid-sentence. I was frozen, sitting on the couch, my face still wet from crying. I attempted to wipe away the tears as best as I could, but he had already seen them “Fuck. Jen come here” He ran over to me, wrapping me in a hug. His body was so warm; I closed my eyes, listening to the steady thumping of his heart. So close to mine, and yet miles lay between them. I shook my head, slipping my hands up his abdomen and up to his chest, pushing him away.

“No” I whispered, “I’m…fine, just go” I handed him his hat “Here” He didn’t move. I turned away, avoiding eye contact. He got up and I could feel his eyes still on me. Somewhere, deep inside of me I was hoping that he’d just wrap me in his arms again. Not letting go no matter what I said but…I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Even if he didn’t want to leave, I had told him that I did and that’s what he’d do. I shifted my eyes toward the blank television screen and didn’t blink once until I heard my front door shut once again, then collapsed back onto my sofa.
♠ ♠ ♠
Really short I know, but it is the first chapter. Actually I think Chapter two is pretty short also but it's for good reason. As I said before this is my first story and i'm not even sure how many people will read it anyways. Be kind, wait that's not right.