Don't Stay Because I Need You

First Impressions

July 1996

“They said you’re too little to play with us so you can’t come” Six-year-old Jennifer stared blankly at her seven-year-old cousin, Carla.

“But mommy said I had to stay with you” Carla rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

“I know what she said but you’re too little and you’ll get hurt so stay here and play in the sand box or something” True Jen was small for her age. She looked more like she was four, but she wasn’t stupid. Those girls didn’t want to ‘baby-sit’ her while her mother and aunt talked about grown up stuff on the bench. Jen stood and watched as her cousin skipped over to her friends and climbed up the side of the monkey bars, joining them on top. She noticed her whisper something to the blonde and saw her laugh, turning to glance at Jen as she did so.

“Monkey bars are stupid any way’s” She huffed plopping down in the dirt. “And Carla’s friends are stupid too!” She picked up someone’s shovel and scooped up some sand, flinging it in a random direction.

“Hey watch it midget!” She jumped, throwing the shovel and stood up to see two boy’s playing beside her in the grass. They looked freakishly alike and she only knew which one she hit because he was wiping sand out of his hair.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t see you” She apologized rather frantically but he still didn’t seem too pleased.

“It’s alright, he’s just a little cranky today,” The other said, “I’m Bill and he’s my brother Tom” Jen frowned and glanced down at her feet.

“I’m Jennifer,” She mumbled.

“Yeah and I bet you didn’t see either of us sitting here! And that’s not even your shovel!” Jen had apologized to him but when he yelled at her it only started to make her mad. After being ditched by her own cousin, and now some boy she didn’t even know wanted to yell at her?

“It’s not yours either! And I said I was sorry! So stop being a big baby and suck it up! It was only a little dirt anyways! What are you a boy or a little sissy!?” Both of the boy’s froze and stared blankly at Jennifer. She didn’t look all that intimidating at first glance, seeing as she was so small, but she had a way with words apparently.

“Um…not to be rude or anything but, how old are you anyways?” Bill asked. Jen crossed her arms and stepped up onto the wooden rim of the sandbox.

“I’m six! And I don’t care if I’m little because monkey bar’s are stupid!” And with that she marched away to sit on the swing set, leaving the boy’s alone and confused.

“What did we say about monkey bars?” Tom asked, scratching his head as he watched Jen kick at the dirt underneath her swing. Bill placed his hands on his hips and shook his head.

“I don’t know”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter two! This was a flash back obviously. Please leave me a comment if you've read it. I'll love you forever!