Don't Stay Because I Need You

Tears and Broom Closets

June 2006

Without thinking, without even knowing where she was running, Jen ran. She couldn’t believe what she had just seen. Goes to show her not to wonder around in an empty arena. Especially when you don’t know where you’re going.

She entered a long hallway, lined with doors and began twisting knobs, praying that one would open. Then, just as she heard her name being called from just around the corner a door swung open and she quietly slipped inside. It was a broom closet, barely big enough for three people maybe.

The voice came closer…and closer…and disappeared. She let out a faint sigh of relief and slid down onto the floor, curling her knees up to her chest. What could she had been thinking? Tom wouldn’t ever want to go out with her, especially now that he’s famous hell why should he?

The tears came fast, and only half expectedly. She laid her head down on her knees and let them come. It didn’t matter, she was alone and doubted anyone would even care otherwise.

“Jen?” She froze. It wasn’t Tom this time, it was Bill but either way she didn’t want anyone to see her like this. She clasped her hand over her mouth and slowed her breathing, hoping that if she was quiet for long enough he would think the sobs were imagined and would just move on. “Jen, I know you’re in there and I’m not leaving until you come out.”

Bill meant it. He had seen her run into the closet, just seconds after turning the corner. Tom on the other hand was behind him and figured she had run in another direction.

“Bill…just…. please leave me alone for now.” Asking him to leave was absolutely pointless and she knew it because Bill wouldn’t just give up so easily, so she wasn’t surprised the least when the door opened and he stepped inside, closing it behind him and sitting down on the floor opposite her. Jen shifted a little as his knees pressed against hers do to the lack of space. Luckily it was dark and he couldn’t see her wet, swollen eyes.

“You want to…. talk about it?” At that Jen couldn’t help but let out a faint giggle.

“No, I don’t want to talk about it, there’s nothing to talk about I’m fine and there’s really no reason for you to even be in this tiny little broom clo-“ Bill leaned over, sitting beside Jen and pulled her into a hug, resting her head on his shoulder, she felt her tears coming again.

“It’s me Jennifer, not Tom. You don’t have to lie to me” his words drifted down into her ears. Any other time she would have jumped up and began laughing at him for how corny he sounded, but at the moment couldn’t find the strength nor the courage, he had said what she need to hear, Bill always did.

“I feel like an idiot! I thought after he… after we… I thought he actually liked me at least some what but now I just feel so stupid” She sobbed. Bill rubbed her back as she cried into his shoulder.

“That’s just how Tom is Jen…and you already knew Carla was a whore” Yes, all of this was true. But she just still couldn’t believe that her own cousin would make out with Tom, knowing how Jen had felt about him. “You don’t need him Jen, there’s plenty of other guy’s out there who won’t treat you like shit…who will actually love you for who you are… and would never… do anything… to… hurt…you” Jen looked up, teary eyed and smiled.

“You’re right…but…I love him, I just can’t help it” Bill frowned and looked down at the crack under the door. “And one day I believe Tom will realize that… and love me back” With that she kissed him on the cheek and wriggled herself into a comfortable position on his upper abdomen.

Bill could’ve been that guy. He already knew that he loved her but he would never come between her and Tom. He’d rather see her happy than to hurt her even more by making her choose between the two of them. Although she wasn’t all that happy to begin with, he couldn’t be to blame for her tears. Bill sighed and stretched out his legs as far as the little room would allow, wrapping one arm around Jen and gently brushing the hair out of her eyes, began to fall asleep with her.
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I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out but i've been lazy. Actually I was just asleep and the most amazing idea came to me for this story so I had to just, get up and go write! I'm going to start the next chapter now and i'll post it as soon as it's done. Also, i've noticed that every other chapter is a flashback...well that might be changing. Due to my... lack of wanting to write them there will be less flash backs and more in the now, if that's alright.

Comments are loved, I write the darn story the least you can do is comment please. ^^