Don't Stay Because I Need You


I suppose in some way’s Tom was right. ‘X’ normally meant no, which in this case would be an enormous relief on his part, not to mention mine especially but…that was a ‘+’ and not an ‘X’.

So now I’ve got two options. I can tell him he’s right, kick his sorry ass out of my home, and go back to sleep, or I could tell him I’m carrying his ‘Spawn’ in my stomach and call the hospital and spend the rest of the night and part of the morning, explaining to his family and the doctors why he passed out in my bedroom stark naked. Well it was obvious which I would choose.

“What?! Of course I’m not pregnant!” I walked up to him, snatching the pregnancy test out of his hands, and walked into the kitchen to throw it away. “It wasn’t even mine you git, so congratulations, you have Rina’s piss all over your hands.” Rina was my friend from work, and actually my best friend. Needless to say she hated Tom with a passion, and he wasn’t too fond of her either so you could imagine the look on his face upon telling him that.

“Rina!?” I couldn’t help but smile as his jaw dropped and he ran, full speed to the sink to wash his hands. “Who in the hell would sleep with that thing anyway?!” Like he had a lot of room to talk.

“Look, she thought she was pregnant and she was too afraid to go get one herself now it’s getting late…” I hurried into the bedroom and grabbed Tom’s clothes “You should go home so bye” I finished, tossing his clothes at him and walking over to open the door. Only…he hadn’t moved away from the sink.


“I’m still pissed about what you did, not to mention I do believe I told you, you were getting out of my house after we were through so,” I did that fancy little hand gesture, indicating him to get the hell out…but in a polite way of course.

“I didn’t think you were serious Jen.” I rolled my eyes as he pulled on his pants, and grabbed his cap off the sofa. I have to admit it wasn’t all that easy trying to be the mean one, especially with how good he looked, standing there getting dressed. It really wasn’t that hard to see why I couldn’t say no to the man.

I watched as he pulled on his shirt and headed out the door. He paused for a moment in which he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

“See ya tomorrow then?” I rolled my eyes, yet again. I hoped to god I’d see him tomorrow, and that he’d do something about all the damn roses in my living room before they all died and my living room looked like my mother‘s rose garden.

“Adios” I mumbled, and he was gone.

I awoke around noon the next morning to my cell phone ringing. I grumbled, mumbling something that I didn’t even understand, and reached to see who was calling.

“Hello Rina”

“Why aren’t you at work today?! I had to tell Richard you were sick and asked me to tell him for you!” I attempted to open my eye’s, failing miserably and rolled over facing my back toward the open curtains. Boy did my neighbors get a show last night.

“Yeah, I don’t feel so…so…” I got up and raced toward the bathroom. This morning sickness shit wasn’t going to work.

“Jen? Are you really sick?” I spit and looked back at my phone, still in my hands.

“Kind of…Rina, I’ve got to tell you something but I want to tell you in person” I had to tell someone I was going to be a…mommy.

“What is it?” I just told the chick I wanted to tell her in person. “Did tom do something to you? Do you need me to cut him? I’ll cut him.” I couldn’t help but giggle a bit, she sounded quite serious and I didn’t doubt for a second that Rina would pass up the opportunity to ‘cut’ Tom.

“No…well yeah…it’s complicated but you don’t need to cut him” Although I couldn’t see her face I knew she was disappointed.

“Alright. I’ll see if I can get off early.” That was the great thing about working at Louie’s Diner. Our manager, Richard really didn’t mind if we left early as long as there were enough waitresses working already.

“Great, I’ll meet you at the coffee shop down the street in an hour”

“See ya then hun”

“Bye” and the line went dead. I brushed my teeth and went back to my bedroom to get dressed. I wanted to get out of there before either of the twins stopped bye. Otherwise I’d never leave and Bill will most likely get me to confess about my little…blessing.
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Ok so there was a new character introduced. She's gonna be a big part in this too so... yeah. I'm sorry but as I had warned you in the last chapter it was gonna be a while. It's just school people i'm sorry. During Winter break I should be able to update a lot so there's a plus XD

Big thanks to all of you that comment and subscribed thankies again!!
