Status: Complete. =)

Blood Runs Forever

...Deep in the Flames...

"DA-DEE! WAKE UP!" Stewie screams, pouncing on my rather comfortable (on the inside xD) coffin. "STEWIE GET THE HELL OFF MY COFFIN! I'm waking up now. SEE?" Punching the lid off my sanctuary, I hop right out and dust myself off, knowing I probably gather a crapload of dust when I stay in my nice relaxing coffin for too long. "Let's go play! :D" Haha. Stewie's the energetic one. Blow his undead brains out and it'll hurthim but he'll still want to play. He's also the 2nd oldest child in my family. "Okay, son. What would you want to play?"

A mischievous grin appears on his face, and I try to stop myself from laughing. "You want to terrorize humans? How exactly would- ahh ok. Superspeed, strength, agility and beating the living daylights out of them. Well get your coat on, kid. And get your sisters and brothers. You will NEVER in your un-life go up there alone. This would be so much easier if there was someone to assist me with taking care of your siblings." As the kids run off to their hellrooms (we're in our own section due to us being a legendary strong vampire family for a few thousand years in our supernatural/occult community.) I begin to think. It's the 1200's now and I need someone to rule our Blood-Fall family. Who could fill that position? I have absolutely no idea. But I'll damn sure find out.


"OK children and Rose! Put on your sunblock. I've already put mine on. Let's go. Stewie's going fucking crazy right now." Glass flies by my head nearly by an inch so I grab it midair and growl at Stewie, causing him to whimper. "NEVER throw ANYTHING in my house! GOD DAMN I need a quick drink...and perhaps a Vampiress or something. I mean seriously! This is HORRIBLE! With our status we should not need any fucking sunblock! GAH! I'll be back. SAMARA watch your siblings and chat with Rose or something. Girls....eughh." I leave the others alone and begin the journey back to my room for a quick goblet drink of blood. "Ahh. This quenches my thirst. :)" Little did I know that when Blood-Fall and I left for the mortal realm, my eyes would fall upon someone VERY mystifying.