The Title is Absent


My hand reached for the back of my neck, sliding slowly beneath my soft blonde hair in its choppy fashion. I felt a great sense of relief as my nails scratched hastily against my itchy skin. What was taking her so long? I continued my sharp gaze at the black marks on my white shoe laces of my dirt consumed converse. The green seemed to look less new every time I looked at it, but I guess that was no surprise. A few minutes of mindless rambling in my inner consciousness and I finally felt the vibrations of the ground shake my out of my thoughts. I looked up quickly, almost forgetting I was outside waiting. There in front of the front yard was a white Volkswagen; the same vehicle she had owned when I last saw her. Being the Anna I had known in our childhood years, she pressed firmly against the center of the wheel with a more than likely goofy smile on her face. The sound exhaling from the car shot me up onto my feet and reach for the handles of my bags. I could hear the music of a rather familiar song blaring from the speakers inside where she awaited my company. After hauling my bags into the trunk, I slammed it shut and nearly jumped inside the passenger's seat. Before I could shut the door, I could hear the enthusiasm in her voice as she greeted me with a sisterly embrace. After quickly returning her hug, I closed the door and buckled myself in. Immediately as we heard the click of my seat belt, she turned the knob on the stereo; making the curiosity of what the song was even more mysterious. Both of our heads jerked back as she began to drive away from the place I would never be able to call home again. I took a last look at the house through the spotted window, soon breaking away as the house was no longer in sight.

"So, how've you been?"

"Good." I mumbled.

She must have gotten the hint that I didn't feel like talking, because we didn't say a single word to one another the entire time. The music was turned up again, but unfortunately it was a different song. I sighed in defeat of not discovering what had been playing before, but soon sung along with the words of the current one.

All your twisted thoughts free flow

To everlasting memories

Show soul

Kiss the stars with me

The words seemed to already be getting to me, because I could really feel the static in the pit of my heart as I sung to the words in more of a softer than usual.

And dread the wait for

Stupid calls returning us to life

We say to those who are in love

It can't be true 'cause we're too young

I know that's true because so long I was

So in love with you

So I thought

At this point, I could hear Anna joining in with me. As our lips moved and voices sung the notes, I looked over at her and noticed a tear go down her cheek.

She had a story of her own, too.

A year goes by

And I can't talk about it

The times were right

But, I couldn't talk about it

On my knees

Dim lighted room

Thoughts free flow try to consume myself in this

I'm not faithless

Just paranoid of getting lost or that I might lose

Ignorance is bliss cherish it

Pretty neighborhoods you learn to much to hold

Believe it not

And fight the tears

With pretty smiles and lies about the times

With one hand balancing the steering wheel, she used the other to wipe her eyes. I knew she didn't want me to see her cry after the things I had to go through. I knew she didn't want me worrying about her, but she was my sister. I had to.

A year goes by

And I can't talk about it

The times weren't right

But, I couldn't talk about it

And just maybe we might see

Something there in between

Then and there that exceeds all we can dream

So we can talk about it

Thus the tears swelled in my eyes, and I immediately sunk in the direction of the window near me, my eyes gazing out at the motioned blur of trees and signs.

And all these twisted thoughts I see

Something there in between

We both seemed to have our voices raised in this part, though still in melodic tune. As the vocalists in the song sung that part a few mores times, we did as well. My voice soon got a bit softer and slower, soon turning to a whisper as I felt the heavy weight on my tired eyes. Sleep came, and I was willing for it.