Real or Fake

Chapter 20

Jenna's POV

A week had passed by and I was able to go home with our son. Being in the hospital just made me feel exhausted, although I'd feel that way with my son at home. I've no problem with that because I always dreamed of the day that I would become a mother. Frankie carried all of my things I had in the hospital, while I carried Sebastien in my arms. He wasn't sleeping though, because, of course, he's just like his daddy. He's so adorable, along with Alicia and Mikey's newborn, Selene. I know that those two are going to grow up together, and it's going to be fun to be a part of that. I have to call my family about it because I can't hold in the excitement that's raging inside me. After we sat my things down and took our shoes off, we took a seat on the couch to relax. I had Sebastien in my arms, obviously. I laid my head on Frankie's shoulder, I took a deep breath. Our newborn son finally fell asleep, and I was happy that I could sleep a little myself while I was with my husband.

"Finally. I thought he was never going to sleep." I sighed.

"I thought he would've fell asleep by now, but what do you expect? He's just like me. I was like this as a baby." he said laughing a little bit.

"Mmmhhmm." I said slowly falling asleep.

Frank's POV

"Goodnight sleeping beauty, goodnight Sebastien." I said kissing her on the lips and kissing him on the forehead.

The sight was extraordinarily beautiful, but I had to put him in his crib and cover her with a blanket. After I did that, I almost nearly fell asleep myself. Not having much to do can do that to you. I decided to watch a dvd for a couple of hours until I fell asleep because, eventually, I would; it's apparent. Life is different now, since I have another person to take care of and devote as much time as I can to. I have to make sure his mother is alright and love her too, which I already do, but we may or may not have as much to ourselves. Days are going to be difficult when I'm out on the road for months at a time or when I'm in another country. I sometimes can't believe that she puts up with me sometime, but that's another reason to love her. It'll be harder during the days that I won't be there, but we'll stay stronger than we ever have.

Jenna's POV- The Next Day

It's 9 AM, and I have to feed Sebastien. It's too early for me, but he's hyper already like he's eaten a bag or two of Skittles. Frankie, obviously does that from time to time. I yawn and clean up before making a breakfast of pancakes and syrup and orange juice for Frankie and I. Once I see Frankie, I smile and hug him and kiss him tenderly on the lips. Sebastien giggles and reaches out with his tiny arms to his daddy. Frankie laughs and picks him up, spinning him while I cook the pancakes. After a couple minutes, he puts him back into his seat and sits down himself.

"Is breakfast ready?" he asked.

"In five minutes, it will be." I replied cheerily.

"What is breakfast?"

"Pancakes and orange juice. I already have the oj on the table for you."

"Aww..thank you!"

"You're welcome. I love you!"

"I love you too and I love you!' he says poking his stomach.

This was such a cute moment, that I wished I had a camera. Then I thought, I do.
I ran up to get a camera and ran back down to take a picture.

"Say cheese!" I said and took the picture.

I went back to my pancakes and finished them before serving them and eating myself. After we ate, I called my parents to tell them the news.

"Hello?" my mom asked.

"Hi Mom."

"Hi Jenna, what's going on?"

"I had the baby yesterday!"

"That's great!! What's his name?"

"Sebastien Francis Iero."

"Aww.. I love the name."


We talked for a while longer until I had to hang up and shower. I didn't smell very good.
Frankie came over and tried to kiss me, but I wouldn't let him.

"Why can't I kiss you?" he asked whining.

"I smell bad, besides wouldn't you rather kiss me when I'm clean?" I asked sexually.

"Yes. You have a point right there."

"Thanks. I'll be done and dressed in twenty minutes. Make sure to watch Seb."

20 minutes, exactly, I had showered and was dressed. Frankie walked in and sat on the bed with me. He kissed me and it almost lead into something else, but we couldn't do that quite yet. My cell rang and it read: Alicia Way.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Jen, how have you been?"

"Really exhausted, but good. Sebastien is tiring. Can you imagine another Frankie?"

"Yes." she said laughing.

"How are you?"

"The same, but I miss not being able to have sex."

"I hear you on that." I said laughing.

We talked for a while, then hung up. It's going to be a while till I'm the way I was, I thought. Wow.That was a random thought. I just realized things we're going to be harder and I cried. I had Frankie to comfort me, but I couldn't control myself. God, help me!! Please!!! I'll get better, but how long will it take?