Sing Me a Rainbow, Steal Me a Dream.


“Blake, you go for the singing midget, Carmen, you go after peach-fuzz-face and I’ll take down the over sized teddy bear,” Willa said, drawing two lines on each check with Vicky-T’s lipstick then handing it around. Carmen and I looked at each other, then back at Willa.

Sighing, she explained, “Blake, you’re going after Bren, Carmen, you go after Ryan and I’ll get Jon.”

“Ohhh,” Carmen said, and I nodded, I wasn’t going to started complaining that Brendon is actually taller than me. Stupid midget genes.

“And go!” We rushed out on stage, enthralled by the heated lights and screaming fans. Ironically, Panic was playing But It’s Better If You Do, and as we neared out ‘victims’, the kids just screamed louder.

I snuck up behind Brendon, trailing a finger across his back that made him jump slightly and turn to me. He looked shocked and almost forgot the words as I began strutting around on stage.

I looked over at Carmen and Ryan, Ryan’s eyes were about to pop out of his pretty painted face as she leaned in and kissed him on the check. He gave her a dorky smile and stumbled over the guitar chords for the song, turning bright red, as Carmen continued to dance around him, distracting him even more.

Jon was smiling (does he ever stop? It’s slightly creepy, like a clown, but better looking. Well I suppose it depends on the clown... no wait, yeah he still looks better), as Willa pranced around him, she was totally enjoying herself.

Brendon grabbed my hand and started whirling me around the stage, as I grinned up at him. I almost forgot that I was in my... oh God. I’m in my underwear. I began to panic, and we weren’t even at the disco, but uh oh. With wide eyes, I looked over at Willa, who smiled and skipped her way over to me, linking arms with me and dancing around so I couldn’t run away.

In the end, Willa dragged me into doing the chicken dance, as the crowd cheered and Brendon joined in with Carmen. Eventually the song came to an end, and William came out onto stage, the crowd was about to wet themselves by now although they had seen nothing yet, and grabbed Carmen and I around the waists and dragged us back off stage as if we weighed nothing, as Willa followed, giggling madly.

“I think you guys enjoyed that just a little too much!” Gabe smirked, as the three of us grinned, our endorphins going crazy.

“I wouldn’t be smirking if I were you Gabe, my dear boy, I have thought of the best dare ever. Time to meet your maker!” Willa said, grinning and pulling Carmen and I over to her and whispering her plan. When she was finished, we turned around, eyes and mouths opened wide with shock and excitement. Gabe and William suddenly looked very anxious, their own grins slipping.

“Vicky?” I asked sweetly as she looked up from her phone, “May we borrow two of your bras?”

Victoria looked a little unsure, but when she saw our smirks, she agreed and ran out to the bus to find some.

“Um, why bras?” William asked, gulping nervously.

“Gabriel and William, we double dare you to go out on stage wearing bras and make out for one whole minute!” We all screamed at once, our Gabilliam dreams about to come true, insert evil laugh here.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, I wrote this ages ago and forgot to put it up, in fact, I didn't want to because it isn't that funny. But I promise you that after this one, the slightly funniness will resume :]

It has been two weeks since my Panic, Cobra and TAI concert and I miss it madly! This chapter is dedicated to all my awesome friends who came with me to the concert, and all the people who have commented, you guys keep this story going :] Thanks!