Silence Is a Scary Sound

Tickle Fight

I can't believe that I'm going out with Dougie! I'm so happy!

And that kiss! WOW!!! I've never been that happy before in those 20 seconds before they interrupted us.

"Don't you girls want to hear a song or two?" Tom asked us.

"Oh! Yeah! Totally!" Emma replied excitedly.

"Well come on then!" Harry said and picked up Emma fireman-style and ran down towards the studio.

"HARRY!!!" She laughed as he swung her around. "STOP IT!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!!"

"When in Rome," Dougie smiled at me.

"Dougie. No." I smiled at him as I backed away slowly.

"COME HERE!!" He yelled and started chasing me around the hallway.

He almost caught me but Danny tackled him and they both ended up on the floor.

"HELP ME TICKLE HIM!" Danny yelled as he tried to keep Dougie on the floor.

Harry, Tom, Emma, and I all got down and started tickling Dougie until he was laughing so hard no words were coming out anymore.

He took a few deep breathes.

"STOP! STOP!" He laughed/yelled. "I'M GONNA PISS MY PANTS!!!!"

"Alright," Tom sighed. "I guess we can let him up now."

"Okay, let's go and listen to some music!" I said.

"Come one." Danny said as he led the way down the hallway to the studio.


Once we got in Emma and I sat in two of the big leather arm chairs and watched Harry, Tom, Dougie, and Danny get everything ready in the room.

They played us "Five Colors in Her Hair," "I Wanna Hold You," and "Please Please."

"This is gonna be our next single," Tom said into the mic as they started to play "Stargirl."
"That was awesome!" I squealed.

"Yeah that was amazing!" Emma smiled as Harry came over and sat on the arm of her chair. "I just heard that one song, I didn't know you guys were that good."

"Well thank you very much," Tom smiled as his cell phone rang.

"Bet its Gi." Dougie said.

"Hey babe," Tom smiled at Dougie.

"Oh, I'm so good." Dougie said pumping his fist in the air and dancing around the room as Tom walked out into the hall to talk to his girlfriend.

"See what you're getting into Celine?" Danny laughed. "From now on its gonna be full out weirdness. Of course, you're pretty weird yourself."

"You're talking to Celine about being weird?" Emma said. "That's a bit ironic don't cha' think?"

"HEY!" Danny laughed trying to look hurt.

"She's got a point though!" I laughed.


Tom came back in the room a minute later holding his cell phone to his chest.

"Gi wanted to know if you guys wanted to go out for a late lunch." Tom asked.

"We'd love to!" I said.

"Lunch!" Emma said. "What time is it anyway?"

"Around 2:30." Harry replied.

"Oh shit!" She jumped up. "I have meeting to get to."

"A meeting?" Dougie said. "With who?"

"Fall Out Boy. I'm going to write 3 songs for them, today we were going to start, and the meeting starts in about 15 minutes!" She said.

"Oh, that's cool. You better get moving." Dougie said as she grabbed her purse, gave Harry a peck on the lips, and waved goodbye to everybody else.

"Celine, can you get a ride home?" Emma asked me when she was at the door.

"We'll drop her off." Danny said.

"Thanks guys! Have fun and I hope there's another time soon when I can meet your girlfriend, Tom."

"You'll be seeing a lot of her probably." Tom smiled showing that adorable dimple.

"You're so cute, with your one little dimple." Emma smiled at him.

"Hey!" Harry smiled. "What about me!?!"

"Eh..." She laughed and ran out the door.


"Oh my God," I sighed as I sat down on the couch. "I'm so tired and hungry."

"Did you get anywhere on the songs?" Celine asked.

"About half a song is done. When it's all done I'll have you come to the studio and you can hear it. I think I'm gonna shower."

"Kay," Celine replied.

I showered quickly, put on my red flannel shorts and white wife-beater and went back down stairs.

"How was lunch?" I asked going to the fridge and pulled out some left-over pizza.

"It was a lot of fun." Celine said. "Tom's girlfriend, Giovanna, is really nice and wow, she's gorgeous."

"I really want to meet her." I said putting the pizza in the oven.

"Well, Tom and Gi wanted you and Harry to go out for dinner with them on Monday," Celine said taking a sip of her beer.

"Yeah, that would be fun. I'll have to call Harry later." I said jumping up to sit on the counter-top. "When are you and Dougie going out?"

"He said he would pick me up tomorrow around 5." Celine said as she smiled into her beer.
"You two are so cute together." I said smiling at her.

Celine grinned and said, "Well, there's a Top-Model Re-run marathon starting in 5 minutes, well 11. Wanna watch some of it?"

"Sure. I'll be out in a minute. My pizza should be done any second." I said and pulled out a plate from the cupboard.



"Hello." Emma said as she picked up the house phone. "Oh, hey Dougie!" She smiled at me.

"Oh! Gimme, gimme!" I said reaching out for the phone.

"Oh, no, Celine's not here, she's on the crapper." Emma laughed. "Alright, oh wait. I think she's done wiping her bum now."

"EMMA!!" I yelled and grabbed the phone.

"Hi Dougie," I said in my most sophisticated voice while Emma was still laughing.

"Hey." He said still laughing.

"Not funny Doug."

"Actually, I think it is very funny."






"Alright you win." Dougie laughed. "I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't wear a dress tonight."

"Why might that be?" I said curiously.

"It's a secret, and I know you love your 5 inch heels, but flat shoes please."

"Come on! Tell me!" I whined.

"Nope. I'll see you at 5."


"Bye Cee-Cee." He laughed.

"Bye Doug-a-poo."

"Well?" Emma said. "What's going on?"

"He just wanted to tell me not to wear anything dressy tonight."

"Well, we only have 3 hours until you leave. We better get going!" Emma said excitedly grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs.

"Um... you have to wear skinny jeans. You look awesome in them." Emma said looking through my closet and drawers.

"But what color? I have loads."

"I think maybe black? With a black top and a bright hoodie? How about that?" Emma said grabbing a pair of skinny jeans.

"I like it. And of course Converse." I said laughing as we dug through my clothes.

“Of coarse.”

We finally decided on my outfit after an hour and an half.


"You look so pretty!!!" Emma said hugging me.

"I really like the make up, Em." I said looking in the mirror at my smudged eye-linered eyes.

"Well thank you very much."

"Oh my God! Dougie's gonna be here in, like, 15 minutes!!" I yelled and jumped up, my pigtail bouncing.

Emma had straightened my hair and put it in a pony tail.

"OK, breath check," she smelled my breath. "Teeth check," she looked at my teeth. "Hair check," she inspected my hair.

"DONE!" Emma pronounced just as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I yelled and ran to the door. "Hey Dougie." I smiled.

"Hey, wow you look great." He smiled at me.


"You ready to go then?"

"Yeah." I smiled at stepped out. "Bye Em!" I yelled as I closed the door.

"YEAH!!! BYE EM!!!" Dougie yelled as I laughed.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going??" I asked pleadingly.

"God. You're so impatient!" He laughed opening the cab door for me. "You'll find out soon! 4th Street, 5th building on the left please." He said to the cab driver.


Soon we pulled up to a big brick building which I could hear muffled music and whooping coming from.

"Whe-" I started to say, then Dougie stopped me with a look. "Sorry. I'll stop."

"Good. Come on." He opened the door for me and we walked into a small room with lots of couches and plants. I noticed there were skate brand stickers all over the walls and ceiling.

"Wow this place looks like my apartment back home." I smiled at Dougie. "With all the skate stuff everywhere."

"It sounds like I would like your apartment then." Dougie smiled back. "Come on, the good stuffs through here." He said and opened a really big door for me.

As soon as he opened the door I was hit with a blast of Blink 182 music, crashing, yelling, and laughing.

"Oh my God!!" I yelled. "This place is awesome!!"

He had opened the door and inside was a huge inside skate park with all kinds of ramps, pipes, and railings. It was absolutely massive with a ceiling that was at least 30 feet high. Against one wall was a really big rock climbing wall and there were platforms, like, 10 feet from the ceiling that had rope bridges connecting them and one corner there was a giant pit of foam balls that you could jump into from one of the platforms.

"You would never know all this stuff was in here!!" I said excitedly.

"I come here all the time." Dougie said smiling at my enthusiasm. "I found it. like. a year ago."

"Hey Doug!" A blonde boy who just came off a railing came running over to us.

"Hey Max." Dougie said.

"Who's this very pretty girl you've brought with you?" Max winked at me.

"This is Celine." Dougie introduced us. "Celine this is Max, one of my oldest friends."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I smiled and shook his hand.

"Wow. An American." Max said. "Dougie my man, you're moving up in the world. So Celine, do you skate?"

"Since I was 10."

"Awesome, ready to show your stuff?" Max asked.


"I'll show you where to get a skateboard." Dougie said leading me over to one side of the building.

"Max seems nice."" I said to Dougie as I looked around for a board.

"He's pretty crazy." Dougie smiled. Which one catches your eye?"

"I think that one." I said pointing to a black Element skateboard with ice-blue lettering on it.

"That's the one I bough last week!" Dougie laughed as the guy behind the counter handed me the skateboard and Dougie paid him.

"You don't have to pay Dougie."

"Yeah, I do. We're on a date. Guy pays."


"Come on; let's see what you can do."

We went up to a ramp just as another Blink song came on, ironically it was "First Date."

"'First Date' huh?" Max said. "Song and you guys."


"Alright Cee-Cee. Let's see if you can hang with the big boys, or in Max's case, really small boy, if you know what I mean." Dougie laughed as Max hit him.

"Shut up Poynter." I laughed and dropped off the ramp I did an Axel Stall, a Rock to Fakie, Indy Grab, a Rock and Roll, and a series of board flips. When I got back to Dougie and Max their mouths were open in shock.

"You might want to close your mouths, you'll be catching flies soon." I laughed.

"Wow." Dougie said. "You're really good."

"Thanks Doug."

We spent about another hour there and then Dougie plopped beside me in the foam pit.

"You ready to go?" He laughed as I threw a foam ball at his head.

"Do we have to leave???" I whined.

"Don't whine." Dougie smiled. "The next place is just as fun."

"Okay, but I doubt it. I'll have to remember this place and tell Em about it."

"Does she skateboard?" He asked.

"No, but she loves rock climbing and she'd flip if she saw the obstacle coarse." I smiled as Dougie helped pull me out of the pit.

"Come on." He said still holding onto my hand.

"Bye Max!" I yelled to the blonde boy who was doing tricks on a railing, trying to show off to two pretty girls watching him.

When he heard me he jerked around and fell of the railing.

"Shit!" We heard him yell and we both started cracking up and ran out the door.


"Oh. My. God." I said when Dougie opened the door to what may be described as my heaven.

It was a super modern ice cream parlor. But not just any old ice cream parlor, oh no. The walls were lined with big containers of every kind of candy imaginable. There was a huge freezer with at least 25 different kinds of ice cream and all the toppings you could ever think of.

"This is heaven." I sighed.

Dougie laughed and went over to the ice cream counter.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Um.....oh, crap. I don't know. There's like a million choices! What are you gonna get?"

"I usually get the chocolate dipped in sprinkles on a raspberry cone. But, today I'm gonna try something new." He said looking up at the board which had all the ice cream names on it. "I think I'll have the cotton candy ice cream in a chocolate cone, dipped in sprinkles and M&M's." He said to the grandmotherly looking women behind the counter.

"Alright, and for you love?" She smiled at me.

"I'll have the triple chocolate ice cream in a chocolate cone, with chocolate sprinkles and any other all chocolate candy you have." I said already starting to drool.

"Wow. You're gonna be really hyper."Dougie laughed.













"Alright." He laughed. "You win. But I'm right. Just you wait and see."


"Celine," Dougie smiled. "Shut up." He said sweetly and then he gave me a sweet and gentle peck on the lips.

"Here you go you two lovebirds." The old lady smiled at us and gave us our cones.

"Thank you." We both said and Dougie slapped some money down on the counter.


15 minutes later we came out of the ice cream place, and I was bouncing all over the place.
"I to-" Dougie started to say.

"Dougie," I smiled at him. "Shut up." And I kissed him on the lips.

"I think I should say 'I told you so' more often." He joked.

I laughed. "So, where we of to now?"

"Well, there's this movie I've been wanting to see for a while."

"What's it called?" I asked.

"'Death at a Funeral,'" Dougie said. "It's supposed to be really funny."

"Oh, I think I saw previews for that. It did look really good." I smiled.

"Mi-lady." He smiled and opened the door to a cab.

"Thank you sir." I laughed.

"Regal Cinema, please." Dougie said to the driver.


"Oh my God!" I laughed when we came out of the movie and into the lobby. "That was the funniest movie Ive ever seen!"

"I almost peed!" Dougie laughed too.

"The best part was when that little midget guy popped out of the coffin!" I said and we both started cracking up again.

"I really liked that ladies fiance. He was hilarious." Dougie smiled.

"Yeah, he was. I think he was my favorite character."

"God. I'm hungry." Dougie said. "Wanna get something to eat?"

"Yeah. Where and what?" I asked.

"There's a really good little Greek restaurant right around the corner."

"Oh! I love Greek food."

"Me too. Let's go."


"Two?" The hostess asked us when we arrived to the restaurant.

"Yeah." Dougie said to her and she led us throw the packed restaurant to a tiny table near the window.

"I've loved Greek food for as long as I can remember." Dougie said after we ordered.

"I have too. Emma's family and mine used to go to Greece every summer until we were like 16." I said taking a bit of bread.

"Really." Dougie said as I nodded. "Me and my family used to go to Greece in the summer too!"

"That's so weird." I laughed.

"So how long have known Emma?" He asked.

"Since I was 3 and she was 4." I said taking my food from the waitress. "Thank you."

"That's really cool. I've known Max since we were both 6." He said taking a bite of his food.

"I think it's great when you have a friend that's known you for forever." I said taking a sip of my soda.

"You wanna know something really weird?" Dougie asked me.

"Sure." I smiled.

"I feel like I've known you forever. Like we've been friends all our lives but we've only known each other 2 weeks. I don't know. I guess it's kind of weird." He smiled sheepishly.

"No, I get it." I smiled. "I feel the same way. Like we have the same thoughts and one of says it before the other can."


I smiled at him and he continued, "Maybe you're the reason why I knew I had to break up with my last girlfriend. I could feel you coming. Either that or the fact that I think she was cheating on me with one of her co-stars."

"She's famous?"

"Yeah. She's in that one TV soap opera 'Holly Oaks.'"

"Oh, I wouldn't know. I don't watch soaps."

"Me neither."

"What's her name, I mean, I don't mean to pry bu-"

"Oh, no, it's OK. Hannah Toiton. Her names Hannah Toiton."

"Toiton? Weird last name. Well, not as weird as Poynter." I laughed.

"Hey!"He laughed trying to pretend to be insulted. "Are you ready to go then?"

"Yep all done."

As soon as we stepped out of the restaurant flashes started going off and people started yelling.



"WHO'S THE GIRL?!!?!!?"







Dougie took a protective hand on my back and pushed through the mob of cameras to a waiting cab.

"I'm sorry about that." He said as the cab pulled away and headed to Emma's house.

"It's alright." I mumbled, still a bit blind.

"The look on your face is so funny!" Dougie laughed.

"Shut up!" I said but I was laughing too.
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Comments please!!!! I always leave comments when I read peoples stories! Don't mean to be bitchy, but hey.