Silence Is a Scary Sound

Unbelievibly Hyper

"So Dougie, there'ave been a few pcitures of you and a girl floating around the tabloids." Mark from TMi said halfway through our interview. "So what's the story with that? Is she the new Mrs. Poynter."
"Uh, hahaha, no, we’re just friends." I replied.
"So you're not dating then, ay?" The other interview Caroline said.
"Nope. We're not dating."
"I must say you two are very cute together, it’s a shame." Caroline continued. "But the fans will be happy to hear you’re single!"
"Oh, I don't know about that." I said shyly.
"Oh Dougie! You know you're the stud-muffin of the group!" Harry said laughing and hitting me on the shoulder.
"So just out of curiosity Dougie, what’s the girls name?" Mark asked.
"Her name's Celine-"
"She's American as well!" Danny cut in.
"Oh an American. Alright, alright!" Mark laughed.

The Next Day:

"Let's do something fun today!" I said jumping around.
"What would you suggest Dougie?" Gi asked me with her eyebrows raised.
"I wannna go to the beach!" Harry said as he came into the room holding a mug of steaming hot coffee.
"Oh! Beach!" I said still jumping on the couch where she was sitting.
"Dougie!" Gi laughed and threw a pillow at me. "Quit it!"
I stopped right away and stuck out my tongue at her.
"I'm gonna call Emma and Celine." Gi siad getting up and pulling out her cellphone from the pocket of her jean shorts and dialed Emma's number. "Hey Em...Good. You?...Yeah. Hahaha. It has been along time since I've talked to you...We were just sitting her being bored, and we decided we wanna go to the beach. You wanna come?...Sweet...Ok. Dougie and Harry will be happy...Ok, we'll, um, pick you up...In about 20 minutes...Ok, bye."
"What'd they say?" I asked.
"What do you think they said Doug?" Gi said looking at me like I was asking the stupidest question in the world.
"Uhh, yes?"
"Ding-ding-ding! And he gets it correct!" Danny said coming into the room.
"Shut up Danny!" I snorted. "You don't even know what we're talking about!"
"Yes I do. We're going to the beach!" Danny said in his matter-of-fact voice.
"I'm going to tell the other two and change." Gi said and left the room.
"You gonna see Celine Dougie?!" Danny mocked me.
"Shut up Danny! And you're just jelouse because you haven't got a girlfriend!" I spat back.
"Pft." Was all Danny could say.

"Ready!" Gi said as she came down the stairs with Tom and Harry trailing behind.

"Girls! Get your bums out here!" I yelled once I got into the hall of Emma's house.
"We're coming!" I heard Celine yell as soon she came running down the stairs in jean shorts, a tank-top that he bathingsuit straps were sticking out of, and holding a blue beach bag.
"Hi Dougie." She smiled and gave me a peck on the lips.
"Hey." I smiled back.
"Hi guys!!" Emma said as she out of the house in jean shorts like Celine, a whispy, tissue-papper thin, white, longsleeve top underwhich you could see her white bikini, and a multi-colored beach bag. "It's so nice it's sunny and hot! I can't believe it's 85!"
"It's crazy!" Danny said from the front seat where he was driving.
"Hey babe." Emma smiled and kissed Harry.
"Hey. You look nice." He smiled and scooted over to make room for her.
"So we're going to Whitsand Bay in South Cornwall." Tom said sticking his head through the window.
"Hi Tom." Celine said as she leaned agaisnt the car.
"Hi Celine. You and Dougie are coming with me and Gi okay?"
"Kay." She smiled and pushed away from the car.
"See ya." I said to to Emma, Harry, and Danny.
"See you later alliagator!" Emma yelled back to me.

"Here we are!" Danny said and smiled as he closed the door.
"Wow, it's beautiful!" Emma sighed.
"Let's go!!!" I yelled and ran down towards the beach holding onto Celine's hand.

"These waves are really good surfing waves." Emma said once we finished setting up our stuff on the semi-crowded beach. "I wish I had my board."
"There's a rental place over there." Harry pointed out. "Come on." And the two of them walked away.
"Let's get in the water!" Gi said and Celine nodded.
And soon they both were in their swimsuits.
"That's a really cute bikini Celine." Gi said.
"Thanks." Celine smiled.
Celine's bikini:
"Your's is cute too." She replied.
Gi's bikini:
I smiled as I watched her and Gi playing and swimming in the water. She looked gorgeous. Her whole face was lit up with laughter and her hair was always falling in her face. She looked so happy.
"Here I come!!!" Yelled Emma returning from getting a surf board. She dropped it by the towels and ran towards the water having changed into her white bikini.

Emma's bikini:
"How did we get so lucky?" Harry said sitting next to me.
"I don't know, mate." I said looking at Emma, Gi, and Celine, who had just been joined by Tom and Danny.
"Come on you two!" Celine yelled from the water. "Get your butts in here!"
"We're coming!" I yelled back and Harry and I took off our shirts and ran into the water.

"I am not eating." Celine said stubernly.
"Why not!" Danny said annoyed.
"I don't eat food on the beach!!" She said.
"I think I'm gonna surf some more now." Emma said as we finished eating our take-out lunch from a local Chinese place.
"Okay." We all said and watched her paddle out into the waves.
She hit a few nice waves and rode them all the way doing a couple of tricks. I never knew that she was that good. I had dabbled a bit but I sucked. There was a really big wave coming and she cought up to and stood up on the board. The wave was massive now. The biggest one I had ever seen. She got into to it alright and started riding but she started to wabble.
"Somethings not right." Harry muttered and stood-up.
Just as he did Emma fell. She was at the crest of the wave and she plumeted into the churning ocean below.
"Oh my god." Gi said with wide eyes.
"She'll pop up any second now." Celine said but she sounded unsure.
5 seconds. 10 seconds. 15 seconds. 20 seconds.
"Where is she!" Harry said yelling. "She should have come up by now!"
"I don't know!" Celine said her voice becoming paniky.
"Someone get somebody!" Tom yelled.
Harry started running towards the water.

"Harry!!" Dougie yelled behing me as I raced toward the water.
Soon I couldn't hear anything but the pounding of my heart. As I crashed into the waves swimming as hard as I could.
My mind raced and a million horrible thoughts ran through my head. There's her board...Where is she?!!! She's been under for too long!
I took a deep breath and went underwater. The water was still churning so it was hard to see. But all of a sudden I saw a flash of white.
Hope gave me the strength to swim over to her. She was limp, just floating there with bubbles around her nose. I grabbed her and kicked as hard as I could towards the surface. We broke the water and I gasped for air and held her head above the water.
"Harry! Somebody help him!" I heard Celine yell and Tom, Danny, and Dougie ran towards me, along with a lifeguard.
I was just able to touch and I stumbled onto the beach.
"Is she okay!??!!" Celine said tears on her cheeks.
I couldn't talk all the strength had gone out of me and I laid her on the blanket.
"She's not breathing!" Danny yelled.
"Somebody give her CPR!" Tom said.
"Let me through!" The lifeguard said and pushed past Celine who was now clinging onto Dougie who was hugging her tightly and whispering in her ear.
"Shhh...Celine." He said and hugged her tightly. "She's gonna be okay. It's okay."
The lifeguard bent down to give her CPR and I grabbed a hold of her hand and held it tight.
All of a sudden she gasped and water came pouring out of her mouth just as the lifeguard was about to start.
"Emma!" I gasped as she sputtered and coughed for air. Water still coming up from her lungs.
"Are you okay?" The lifeguard said kneeling beside her.
She slowly shook her head 'No' and slumped back. She looked at me and squeezed my hand.
"You need to get her to the hospital." The lifeguard said to Tom.
"We called an ambulance." He said and just then the sound of sirens came from the parking lot.
Soon the beach was flooded with paramedics and paparazzi snapping pictures of Emma being carried on a stretcher and me clinging onto her hand, Celine holding onto Dougie, Tom was comferting Gi while he had tears in his eyes, and Danny was yelling at the paparazzi telling them they should "Go the hell way." And that "They are horrible people who only care about money."
"I'm staying with her." I said as they put Emma in the ambulance.
"I'm sorry, we can't have anyone in there with her while she's in such cirtical condtion." One paramedic said to me and he climbed in the back.
"You have to let me in there with her!!" I yelled but he just shook his head and closed the doors.
My worst fear had just come true.
I couldn't help the person I love. I just stood there as they closed the doors on her limp body and sped away.
"Harry! Come on!" Danny yelled. "We'll follow them in the car!"
And he and Tom pulled me into the car. We sped off all cramed into one car and leaving the other behing. You couldn't blame us, leaving a car behind was the least of our worries.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is Gi by the way:
She's actually Tom's girlfriend too. They are adorbale! I couldn't not have them dating!