Silence Is a Scary Sound

Rain Running

There is no better meal then Brenner. If God was a meal. He’d be Brenner.
Maybe he is Brenner!
Okay, sorry, enough of my nonsense.
“That was so good.” Tom said leaning back and rubbing his stomach.
“Mmhm…” Was all Danny could get out.
“Oh, look it’s starting to rain.” Emma said looking out the window.
O.M.G.!!!! It’s raining in ENGLAND???!!! What a shocker!!” Dougie said sarcastically.
“Shut up.” She laughed.
“It’s cool rain though.” Danny said.
“Yeah. Look the drops are huge.” I smiled.
“You wanna go out?” Emma asked her eyebrows raised.
“Yes!” I said jumping up.
“What? Run out in the rain?” Tom said.
“Yeah! It’s so fun, running about in the rain.” Emma said.
“Come on peoples! We’ll clean up later!” Danny said standing up.
“That’s the spirit, Danny!” I cheered and grabbed Dougie’s hand. “Come on!”
“Alright, alright.” Dougie laughed and stood up.
“Yeah!” Emma cheered and we all ran outside.

We must have been an odd sight, 7 people running around in the field behind Emma’s house like crazy people, yelling and jumping.
“I LOVE THE RAIN!” Emma yelled as she and Gi spun around with there arms out.
“Wooo!” Danny yelled running around.
Harry laughed and picked up Emma spinning her around.
Then Tom ran at Dougie tackling him to the ground.
Soon they were both completely covered in mud.
“Who wants a hug?!” Tom yelled and ran at Gi, who screamed and ran away.
“Hey there.” Dougie smiled as he walked up to me.
“Hey back.” I giggled and wiped some mud off of his perfect nose. “You’re all dirty.”
“Do you like that I’m dirty?” Dougie said in a fake serious voice.
“Oh, yeah. Such a turn on.” I said in the same fake serious voice.
“Look! They’re about to snog again!” Danny yelled.
“Shut up, Danny!” Emma said and threw mud at him.
“Ow! That got in my eye!” He complained, then threw mud at Emma, but it hit Tom who was standing behind her.
“Hey!” Tom laughed. “This is so war.”
“Bring it on!” Danny yelled scooping up mud to use as amo.
Soon Harry, Emma and Gi joined and they were getting covered in mud.
“You wanna join them?” I asked my left eyebrow raised.
“Oh yeah!” Dougie yelled.
He grabbed my hand and we ran towards the fight.
We all dodged, ran, leaped, and threw for a good 30 minutes in the pouring rain.

“Oh lordy.” Gi panted as she flopped on the ground.
“I can’t believe it’s still raining.” Harry panted as he sat next to Emma on a log.
“Look at us!” Tom laughed.
He was right to laugh. We were all covered from head to toe in mud.
“I think I have mud in my ear!” Emma laughed shaking her soaking hair.
“Wow, look at it.” I said.
It was hard to see 10 feet in front of you it was raining so hard.
We were near the bottom of a hill and at the top was a group of trees.
You could just make out there dark shapes through the rain.
“You wanna go for a walk?” Dougie whispered in my ear.
“Yeah.” I smiled and felt his warm hand mesh with mine.

As we walked the rain got harder, if that was even possible.
“Do you wanna keep going?” Dougie asked as I stumbled because I couldn’t see.
“No, we can keep going.” I smiled as he put his arm around me.

We walked in silence from there on, but it wasn’t a weird ‘I don’t know what to say’ silence, it was one of those rare comfortable silence.
Soon we reached the top of the hill and the rain was still coming down.
“Celine, you know how much I like you right?” Dougie said turning to look me in the eyes.
“Yeah, Dougie, I know.” I smiled touching his cheek.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately…” He smiled nervously. “And I think I like you more then a crush. I – I think I love you.”
I just stood there and looked into his blue/grey eyes.
“Please say something, Celine.” Dougie mumbled looking away from me.
“I think I love you too.” I smiled.
Immediately he looked back into my eyes.
“Are you fucking with me? Because that would just be mean.” He said and I laughed.
“No I’m not fucking with you.”
“Good. I mean, GREAT! OH MY GOD!” Dougie yelled and I laughed harder.
“Dougie, shut up.” I said lovingly and he calmed down immediately.
Then he kissed me and little shivers went up and down my spine.
It was soft, but it was more passionate then earlier. Because, now, I knew why he kissed me like that.
It was because he loved me.
He loved me.
Dougie Poynter loved me.
And I loved him.
We are in love.

It must have looked like a movie.
Us kissing in the rain.
Almost like the seen in The Notebook.
Then the rain stopped, the sky cleared and the stars came out.
“Dougie,” I said breaking away from his lips.
“Yeah?” He asked looking me in the eyes again.
“This is the happiest I’ve ever been.” I smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Dougie smiled back and moved a piece of wet hair off of my face.
“Can we kiss again now?” I asked and Dougie laughed.
“Of coarse.”
It was true. This was the happiest I’ve ever been.
What more could I ask for?
I have a boyfriend who loves me, I’m living with my best friend and I’m living my life to the fullest without worry.
I smiled into the kisses as Dougie ran his hand through my hair.
While the full moon came out, making the world glow silver.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will love you forever! :]