Silence Is a Scary Sound

Girls Night In Part 2
Giovanna Falcone and Olivia Shaw going to Emma Davis’s and Celine Schmidt’s house early tonight. A sleepover perhaps? We would love to be a fly on a wall in that house! Let’s hope that E or C post some pictures on their MySpace pages! What do you think they’re talking about? Dirty secrets of themselves and of McFly? Sex secrets!? How about some good old fashioned truth or dare? Hopefully we’ll know by morning!

This is why you have girlfriends, so you can vent and cry to them, people to let out your emotions to. I’m glad that Gi told us about the baby situation. She told us about how hard it was with people constantly reminding her about it and how sometimes she wished that Tom wasn’t famous so they could live normal lives and be able to get married and have kids. We just let her talk to us for as long as she needed, rubbing her back or patting her hand when she needed it.
“Okay, glad I got that out of my system.” Gi sighed and finished the rest of her wine. “But, wow, that really put a damper on the night didn’t it?”
“No its fine, Gi,” Olivia smiled.
“Yeah, you needed to talk about it and here we are!” I smiled.
“Thanks guys. I think I need some popcorn now.” Gi said.
“What a wonderful idea, Gi!” Emma smiled and got up from the couch. “How’s about I put the popcorn in the microwave and then we all go and get our cha-chee’s on!”
“Perfect!” Olivia smiled and gets up too.
Okay, maybe I need to explain, “cha-chee’s” is a word that Emma made up when she was little as a substitute for pajamas. She also still says, “gungs” which is crackers. We both also say you have “chiras” when we’ve been on the phone a really long time and your jaw hurts. What can I say, we’re strange!
So Emma put the popcorn in the microwave and Gi and Olivia got their bags and we all went up to Emma’s room to change. Me into grey sweats and an old Hollister t-shirt, Emma into plaid PJ bottoms and a white v-neck t-shirt, Gi into Care Bear PJ bottoms and a striped red and white t-shirt, and Olivia into green sweats and a yellow t-shirt.
“I feel so comfy now.” I smiled as we all headed back down into the kitchen.
“Truth or dare time!” Olivia yelled and grabbed a bag of gummy worms, a bag of crisps, and a can of Coke and plopped down on the couch.
“Yeah! I love this game!” I cheered and jumped on the couch, causing Olivia to snort bubbles up her nose. “Whoops! Sorry!” I giggled and Oli hit me in the head with a pillow. “Ow!”
“Okay, Gi, you first.” Olivia said. “Truth or dare?”
“Um, truth.” Gi smiled. Wimp.
“What’s your most embarrassing sex moment, the guys or yours?” Olivia asked with a big smile on her face and Gi blushed a bit.
“Come on Gi!” I laughed and nudged her arm after she was quiet for a few seconds.
“Fine, okay, it’s a guys and it was when I lost my virginity, and well, he couldn’t get it up.” She said and we all broke into hysterics.
“Oh my God!” Emma laughed. “Really!?”
“Yeah,” Gi said still giggling. “I felt so bad for him.”
“That’s really funny.” Olivia said, still laughing.
“Oh man, that was a good one.” I said.
“Okay Celine, your turn.” Emma smiled and turned to me. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” I said and a huge smile broke out across Emma’s face. Oh God, I know that look! Why did I pick dare? Oh why!? Emma is the queen of all dares. She comes up with ones that are pure evil!
“Alright, hmm… let’s see.” She smiles. “I dare you too… stand on your head and drink a bottle of water!”
“What?!” I laughed.
“You hear me! Now move! Chop-chop!” Emma laughed and clapped her hands.
“Is that even possible?” Gi asked, as I got op off of the couch and went to the kitchen to get a water bottle.
“I don’t think it is.” Olivia laughed.
“Okay, I’m gonna do it against the wall.” I said.
So I went over to the wall next to the big fern plant, yes we have a big fern plant. I’ve only been really flexible, so I got up into a headstand quickly. Oh my God! How am I going to do this?! Hmmm… okay, so I’m going to have to use one hand to open the bottle. I can’t do that!
“Um… Gi, can you open the water bottle?”
“What’s the matter, Ce? Can’t open the bottle?” Gi smirked.
“No, not really. My hands are a bit busy right now.” I sighed and they all laughed.
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Sorry it's so short. Plus it's a bit of a filler, as will be the next chapter... Hopefully that will be out later today! I've written, like, 3 Christmas chapters that I CANNOT wait to put out! :D They were fun to write!
Oh my God! Only 2 days till Christmas! :)
Comment please my dear lovies!