Silence Is a Scary Sound

Peach Ice Tea

I woke up in my room, under the covers, still in my clothes from last night. I yawned and streched.

I slowly got up and pulled on purple shorts and a smilie t-shirt and walked down the steps into the kitchen.

"Well, good morning sleepy head!" Emma smiled at me from atop the counter, which she was sitting on, wearing white cotton shorts and a white tank top.

"Morning," I yawned and poured a cup of coffee.

"You were so tired last night you didn't even wake up when Dougie carried you upstairs," she said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Dougie carried my upstairs!" I coughed. "Like, in his arms carried me!"

Emma laughed, "Yep."

"Oh my god. How hot is that!" I squealed. "Oh! Wait! How was your date with Harry!!"
A hudge smile broke accross Emma's face. "Well..."


The night before:

Harry and I pulled up infront of a very nice Italian resturant.

"Thanks Harry," I smiled at him as he opened the door for me.

We got in right away and the hostest seated us at a little table in the corner near the big window looking out into London.

"I never thought I could love anyplace as much as home. But, this is a major contender," I smiled at him.

"You got that right," Harry smiled. "So, where is home for you exactly?"

"Pennsylvania," I saw the confused look on his face and giggled. "It's right below New York."

"Oh, ok."

"How about you?"

"I'm from Chelmsford, Essex," he said taking a sip of his water.


We chatted a bit more about our lives growing up, and then the waitress came over.

"Can I get your orders, or do you need a few minutes?" She asked.

"I'm ready," Harry said, then looked at me, "Are you?"

I nodded and said, "I'll have, the shrimp fetticini alfredo and the peach iced tea."

Harry ordered as well, then looked me straight in the eyes. It made my heart miss a beat.

"So," he started, "I heard that you want to own a record company. How did that come along?"

"Well, I write music professionaly. I just do the waitressing as kind of a side thing when I'm not writing for anyone. I just quit yesturday actually. But anyway, I've always loved music, so I guess the only logical thing was for me to get into the music industry."

"That's really cool," he said. "Have you written anything I might have heard?"

"Well, the one that gets played alot is, 'Bolton' by Augustana."

"Oh! My friend Danny loves that song. Well, he's from Bolton, so he thinks that's awesome. Anything else? Are you working with anyone now?"

"I just signed a contract with Fall Out Boy for 3 songs and I'm working on one now for Corrine Bailey Rae."

"Wow. Bigtime people," he smiled.

"I guess so," I blushed.

"Excuss me, I really hate to bother you, but can I please get your autograph?" A girl around 16 asked Harry holding out a pen and a piece of paper.

"Uhh, yeah, of coarse you can," he smiled at her and signed her paper and have her a hug.

"Thank you so much, have a good night!" She smiled at me and Harry.

"You too," we both said.

"Ok, what the hell was that?" I asked in shook.

"Ok, well I knew I would have to tell you this eventually anyway, so here it goes," he took a deep breath. "I'm kind of famous."

"I kind of guessed that. But, why?"

"I'm in a band, McFly." he said.

"Really?! I was just listening to you the other day. You're brilliant! What do you play?" I asked excitedly.

"Drums. I'm so glad your taking this so well, the last american girl I dated, blew up at me," he smiled in relief.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that. I get it. You wanted me to get me to know you, the really you. Not as the drummer from McFly. And do you know what?" I smiled at him.


"It worked." I grinned at him.

Present Day:

"OH MY GOD!!!! HE'S FAMOUS!!!!!!!!" Celine screamed.

"Yep. And so is Dougie. He plays bass," I said as I slipped off the counter and went to find my running shoes.

"DOUGIE!! Oh my God!" She said again as she followed me into the hall. "This is so weird! But, a good weird!"

"I know, look, I'm gonna go running. Be back in like 30 minutes," I said as I slipped on my shoes.

"Ok, wait!" She yelled catching me off guard and almost making me fall over. "What happoned? Did you kiss?!"

"Maybeee...." I grinned at her.


"Oh, Harry wanted us to come over to Island Records later today to hear the band and meet the other guys. So we're gonna leave at like 1:30."

"BRILLIANT!!!!!" Celine jumped in the air.


I ran inside and went into my room to look for my perfect out to see Dougie, oh, yeah, and I guess the rest of the band.

Emma came back 25 minutes later, took a shower and got dressed before I was done getting ready.

"Come on! Move it Cee!" She yelled from in the hall.

"COMING!!" I yelled back and ran down the steps.

"OH! I love that dress!" Emma said looking at me.


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