Drag Queen Superstar!


*Mikey’s POV*
Me and Gerard walked home together in silence. Well technically he was Roxy not Gerard.
I watched him closely. His hair kept blowing in his face and he was constantly trying to get it from his face.
I wanted to ask him a certain question all day, but every time I wanted to open my mouth I kept bottling out.
I couldn’t believe I was even thinking that he would do something like that me.
But they spent so much time together... she’d even been round yesterday and I didn’t even know she was in his bedroom. She even gave him a present, she never gives me any presents and I’m supposed to be her boyfriend!
OK maybe I’m being childish...
On seconds thoughts I’m not. I’ve just remembered what happened when we were in Pizza Hut. The way they went off into the bathroom together...

“Gerard, what exactly is going on between you and Alicia?”
I needed to ask him, I needed to know the truth.
“What?” Gerard asked shocked. He stopped still and the wind blew his hair straight back onto his face.
He looked shocked and hurt but a small voice in my head told me that he looked guilty.
“It’s obvious something’s going on between you two!” I said accusingly.
“Mikes, seriously what are going on about?” He asked as we got to our house.
I didn’t answer until we were safely inside the house. I didn’t want to be having this conversation with him out on the street.
“I’m talking about you two spending so much time together. How come she came round yesterday and you never told me she was with you in YOUR bedroom?” I said my voice getting louder.
I hated having this conversation with him and accusing him like this, but there were just so much things that made me think that something was going on between Alicia and him.
I looked at his face. He seemed to go red and there was definitely a look of guilt in his eyes.
“I’m sorry; I guess we just forgot to tell you. I know it sounds really bad but we didn’t do anything. She gave me some lipstick, that’s all.” Gerard said, looking really desperate for me to believe him...