Drag Queen Superstar!

Bossy Boots Frankie

*Gerard’s POV*

“Gerard, get a move on, Bob’s here!” I heard Mikey yell up the stairs.
I got up from my bed and shuffled over to my bedroom door.
“I’m coming...” I muttered knowing full well that he couldn’t hear me.
Nerves filled my stomach as I reached out to open the door.
I couldn’t do this...
I walked back over to my bed and threw myself back down onto it.
“Gerard, come on!”
It wasn’t going to work...
“Gerard, you’re going to be late!”
She didn’t really like me...
I could hear the sound of a car horn outside.
She only liked me because I saved her life...
I sighed miserably and turned on my stomach, my head my pillow but was shocked when my bedroom door was flung open so hard that it hit the wall.
“Oi, Way, get up.”
I groaned and rolled over to see Frank standing my bed.
“What you doing here?” I mumbled.
“I came with Bob, who’s waiting for you by the way. You’re supposed to be on the way to your date with Hayley and you’re moping up here, what’s wrong?” Frankie demanded.
“Nothing.” I lied.
“Oh please, you can’t lie to me Gerard. I know you too well. What’s up?” Frank asked.
“I... I...” I stammered, not knowing what to say.
“Come on Gerard, you can tell me, is to do with Hayley?” Frank said more softly now.
I nodded.
“You do realise that if you stay here any longer, Hayley will think you’re not going to turn up and then will probably dump you.” Frank said.
“I just can’t do it Frankie. This is supposed to be our first proper date and I know it sounds stupid but I’m scared. What if she doesn’t really like me? What if she only asked me out because I stopped her from getting shot? Plus if you think about it she doesn’t really know me at all, it’s Roxy who she knows. Not Gerard.” I burbled.
“Gerard, don’t you get it? She loves you. When we were in the waiting room together when you were in the hospital she couldn’t stop talking about how great you are and then she said that she was sure that you didn’t like in that way. That’s why I told her about the whole Roxy thing to prove how much you liked her.” Frank explained.
There was silence for a moment.
“Now get your ass off the bed and get down stairs!” Frank laughed as I jumped up and ran downstairs.
“Finally, what kept you?” Mikey asked as I raced downstairs, Frank following me.
I was about to stop and explain to Mikey but Frank noticed and yelled, “GET IN THE GODDAMN CAR!!!!!”
I shrieked and ran out of the house and into Bob’s car, Frank jumping in after me.
“I’m making sure you get there and don’t chicken out.” Frank said sternly.
“Bob, jump on it.” He said, so Bob did what he was told and sped off down the road.
I didn’t know Frank could be so bossy...