

She was just standing there for the longest time. Doing nothing. Not moving much more than a finger, or to scratch. I'd been watching that girl for about an hour. She obviously knew it, as she sometimes looked over at me, and looked back to whatever she was doing. Finally, after about two hours of this, I walked over. Instantly, she attacked me with talking. Words were going out of her mouth I didn't think that girl would say to a random stranger. I started to back off. This was just too much for a simple person like me to handle. That girl just decided to tell me her life story? Too weird. Lost in my own thoughts, I wasn't even really listening. I decided to start.

"You have no idea what my life is like, do you? No, I don't think so. I have to deal with every single fucking guy coming along and ruining my damn life. I've had a good relationship for less than a week! Then the guy tried to get me in bed! What the hell am I supposed to do? Then you come over, and just start staring.. What the hell is wrong with you? What, are you going to be like that last guy? I fucking better hope not. I've had enough of you. All of you. I hate you, I hate them, I hate everyone."

This seemed like the last bit of her rant, and she burst into tears. I didn't know what I was doing, but I reached over, and put my arm over her shoulder. She just cried harder, and pushed herself into my shoulder. I put my other arm around her, and just comforted her. I don't remember how long we were there for the night, but I do remember her stopping at some point, and saying, "I'm sorry. I don't hate all guys.. I don't think I hate you."

I replied to that with, "I don't think I hate you either." Instantly, I regretted saying that. That implied that I did hate her.
Of course, she came up with, "Did you hate me ever..?"
Tears started to well up inside of her, and I looked her straight in the eyes, and said, "No. I didn't ever hate you." Unfortunately, She did burst into tears, and I just stood there, in the night, with my arms around her, thinking all the while, "What was she doing out here for so long though?"
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Yeah. Inspiration from other stories for the win. I'm actually surprised I got so into this.. I'm not usually much of a writer.