My Green Day Adventures (True Stories)

American idiot

After my "re-found" Green Day moment "Minority" had become the song of what I stood for. In ways it instilled things in me that I live by to this day, and also it brought out a rebellious side of me. I got that snotty "punk" attitude in the sense I knocked over anyone that stood in my way, and wasn't scared to give a big "fuck you" to any authority figure. In the end though I learned my lesson.

By the eighth grade I had ditched a lot of the boy band mainstream bands at that time. I would find out Green Day's inspirations and they would become my new ones, then I'd find those bands inspirations, and it was just like a cycle. Now, Green Day, Rancid, Operation Ivy, Screeching Weasel, The Beatles, Ramones, Buzzcocks, and Distillers had become what kept me going. In ways I thought that music was more real to me then the mainstream. I later bought "Shenanigans".

Then my freshman year of high school came, which was another joys time in my life. I still had that same hatred I had back in middle school, although I did make more friends with the "punk" crowd. I was pretty good at guitar. I started a solo career with my music, and played in a few bands.

Then came sophomore year, the year that American Idiot came out. The first time I saw the American Idiot video I loved it. I liked how they looked like maniacs running around in green paint, and they all were going different speeds. I loved how the video was simple, and got the point across. I remember the night before it came out Fuse had all these Green Day specials on. That morning when Dad took me to school I wanted to stop and get the album before school, but he said after school I could. After school mom and I went to get it.

I remember sitting in my room playing it, I digged it, but it wasn't it wasn't what I was expecting. I knew most of Green Day's album had a different sound to them, but this one I didn't really understand at the time. I got the story line, but I didn't understand the real meaning behind it. I was a bit disappointed I was expecting those songs filled with broken hearts, angst, drugs, sex, booze, masturbation, and all that jazz. It seemed they had grown up a bit, and I was still living in the shadow of their old stuff. At the time I didn't understand that, it wasn't until my senior year of high school that I figured it out.

Like I said I still digged the album, it just was probably at the bottom of my favorite Green Day albums ranking list. "St.Jimmy" was my favorite song off the album at first. I went crazy and tipped my friends go-kart when listening to it once. Then when my best friend and I got in a huge fight I started relating to "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" also I'm a huge James Dean fan so I had that too. Then around the elections I loved "Holiday", because I was along the bandwagon of most "punks" of hating Bush, but I could actually back up my reasoning for it instead of saying "Bush sucks!" and not have any reasoning. Typically if someone was to bash "American Idiot" I would stick up for it, but wouldn't put my all in it, because like I said earlier it was different for me to hear a serious type of album, and I was still living in the older shadow of them. Also, like I said I didn't really get the meaning behind the album.

I was super excited though, because that meant a tour. My mom's a huge traveler and she knows what Green Day means to me, so she didn't mind traveling. Hence why I got to see them 17 times on the American Idiot tour.

Our first stop was on November 13, 2004 in Salt Lake City , Utah.