My Green Day Adventures (True Stories)

Las Vegas show

The day before the show we flew to Las Vegas. When we go to Vegas we usually stay somewhere on the strip, but this time we stayed at the Hard Rock since they were playing at The Joint, which is in the hotel. Also, we thought Green Day would stay there. The Joint is pretty cool we saw Social Distortion and the Rolling Stones there before.

That night mom just did some gambling and I hung out and wandered around the hotel. I love wandering around the hotels in Vegas, they're so huge.

We didn't really have to rush this time to get in line since we were staying right there, but I still was paranoid about it. We ate breakfast in this really weird restraint that had bamboo everywhere, and I had a view of the entrance to The Joint.

This time I wore that Insomniac shirt that Andrea had gotten me when she saw them at the Oakland Coliseum, because we never got around to washing it from the San Francisco show. It still looked as worn and frail as the one I got at Gilman. I did my typical routine of lounging around the entrance. We walked into a a few shops, despite my hatred for shopping.

Later that day it was time for the show. I got my position, as I called it in front of where Mike would be playing. We sat through the same opening band. As they set up I always observed Micka (I mentioned him in earlier chapters) he waved to me. I thought it was a bit weird and gave a smile and waved. I thought that was pretty cool.

Green Day came out and played. I did volunteer to play guitar for "Knowledge", but didn't get it. It may sound quite selfish of me to say I volunteered for "Knowledge" when I already got it, but I really wanted that guitar, but also I wanted to give some other lucky fellow a chance too. Everything was the same at this show, except that I got a drumstick from Tre and mom and I got a pick from Mike. By now my pick collection from Mike was growing, and would reach a grand total of 21 (at least from Mike) by the end of the American Idiot tour. Oh and I think this was the show that they taped and was on Fuse and MTV or something. Mom and I got our 3 seconds of fame where you can see us in the audience. Also, I caught a set list which was pretty righteous.

After the show we went up to the room to freshen up I guess. Then went back down maybe two hours later to "hang out".

When we went down there before my eyes I saw Jason White, Jason Freese, Ronny Blake, Tre Cool, Mike Dirnt, and some security guards (one of which would become our worst nightmare).

My mom goes over and starts to gamble with Mike, Tre, and Jason Freese. I was freaking out in my head. I went and sat at a table trying to be nonchalant, hoping to meet Mike. A few minutes later Jason White comes and sits across from me. I stupidly let out a "Hello" Then he responded with a

"Hello. How are you?"

"Alright trying to hide." I said.


"Uh because I'm only fifteen and not suppose to be down here. My moms over there gambling with Tre, Mike, and Jason."

"Oh yeah your the girl always in front with the 'hot mom'. Didn't you play bass at a show not to long ago? You were pretty good" he said.

"Haha yeah thanks. It was at the San Francisco show. Uh what's this with the 'hot mom'?" I laughed and question. I may seem like I was keeping it "cool" with all this, but by this point I was like "Holy shit he remembered I played bass and they call my mom the 'hot mom' ew that's kinda creepy and weird, but they must some how remember us I guess. Wait does that include Green Day remembering us too?" There were so many thoughts racing through my mind.

"That's just we've begun to refer to guys as." he said laughing.

"Interesting." I said nodding.

There was a few moments of awkward silence then I remembered I still had put the set list in my pocket.

"Uh I hate to bother you, but could you sign this?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Do you have a pen or anything?" he asked.

"Oh crap uh..." I managed to say then I remembered my mom had a sharpie in her purse. I asked Jason to hold on while I went in my moms purse and grabbed it. I gave it to him and he signed it with "Jason White".

I was tweaking out in my head by this point. I think I even had a minor panic attack. I was shaking and waiting to wake up from a dream. I mean within the past few hours I saw Green Day, my mom is gambling with most members of Green Day, Jason White recognized me and said I did good at playing bass, they call my mom the 'hot mom' (still ew), and Mike Dirnt is about 10 feet away from me.

Mike and Tre were still over there gambling with my mom. I was pondering on how my mom was taller then Tre (When I'm about as tall as her to begin with) when one of their security guards comes up and says I have to leave. I respectfully got up and pretended to walk away and then decided to sit a few tables back.

I got away with it for a bit until I felt a tap on the shoulder and a "If you don't get out of here I'm going to get hotel security." said the same gentlemen who I later found out was named Tee Kay (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it, but whatever).

"Alright whatever," I said. I pretended to walk over the elevators when I decided to hang out by where these railings were that if you were not of age to gamble was basically your stopping point.

I sat there and still observed my mother gambling with the members of Green Day (except Billie) and singing along to Rancid's "Time Bomb" which was playing on the monitors around the building. I walked around a bit, to make things less obvious. I went into a few shops pretending I was browsing. I even bought some gum and grabbed a pamphlet on the different rare things in different Hard Rock's around the world. Then I went back and leaned against the rail looking at the pamphlet.

I was looking at the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Bus when I felt another tap on the shoulder. I swear to god this bastard came out of no where all the time.

"I thought I told you to get out of here?!" Tee Kay yelled.

"You told me to get out of the gambling area. I'm not in the gambling area. I'm standing in a free zone where anyone can wander around." I said sarcastically.

"But I am the bands security and I feel you are 'stalking' them and could be a possible threat and this free standing area that you speak of over writes that when I think you are a threat to the band, so I'm going to ask one more time you leave, or I will get you thrown out of this hotel." said Deejay proud of his damn authority.

"Stalking? I am here with family on a vacation and watching my mom gamble. I had no idea there was a band even here." I said attempting to play stupid.

"Miss I'm not stupid. I saw you over there talking to a member. I've seen you at shows. Now, I'm going to ask you one last time to leave by the end of my conversation or I will go over there to the front desk and have you removed from this hotel." he said with an aggravated voice and pointing to the front desk.

"Whatever" I said walking towards the elevators. I wasn't going to give up that easily. I had a plan.