Sequel: Diamonds & Coal

Something To Talk About


"So, how much of a snob are you?" Ryan remarked, catching up to me as I walked across the parking lot.

"Snobs don't use recycled toilet paper," I mocked, "But apparently Kotex double roll users cant be trusted in relationships."

"Come on, Danya," He sighed, "We were getting along. I just wanted some company while I ate. I still want company while I eat. I'm not asking you out. Don't flatter yourself..."

I looked over at him frowning, but again, he had that self satisfied smirk on his lips.

I don't know what made me react to it the way I did, but without even thinking, I brought my package of toilet paper up and whacked him in the side with it.

He stopped in his tracks and turned slowly to look at me.

"Please tell me that you did not just hit me with your toilet paper..."

But I was too busy laughing at how mad he was to hear him.

As I nearly keeled over in a fit of giggles, I felt a dull thud on the back of my head, then bolted upright letting out a gasp because he had hit me back.

"Oh, no you didn't..." I said stepping towards him and he stopped laughing, then his eyes grew wide.

"Truce?" He offered lamely, and I studied him for a few quiet moments then smacked him again, this time on the side of the head, messing up his hair a bit.

"No. But I think breakfast would be okay," I decided. And Ryan, with his hand still rubbing the spot on his head where I'd last hit him, smiled.


"I guess so." I shrugged, "I didn't get much of a dinner, and I know you're hungry...besides, I like company while I eat."

He nodded slowly, then hit me again in the arm with his 3-ply.

"Done," He agreed, and held out his arm for me to take.

"Why, thank you," I smirked, linking my own through his.

"So, just to make sure were clear this is definitely not a date." Ryan reminded me once we had a table at The Waffle House, "Because I have a girlfriend, and you probably have a boyfriend."

"I don't, actually. Thanks for reminding me," I shook my head and sighed, "But definitely not a date. We're just two people who happened to need toilet paper at the same time and breakfast in the middle if the night."

"Exactly," He nodded as we opened our menus.

"And you aren't my type, anyways," I shrugged, smirking over my menu.

"Ouch..." He pouted, "That hurt, man..."

"Right here?" I pointed to my heart, laughing.

"Kind of..." He murmured quietly, and I just shook my head.

"So, whats your girlfriends name?" I wondered, glancing over my breakfast options.

"Keltie," He replied, opening his but not looking at it. He was waiting for my response.

I blinked, "Keltie?"

"Yeah, Keltie."

I bit my lip, trying not to laugh and he frowned.

"Whats so funny?" He wondered, "I like it. Its cool. Original."

"I um...Well, that's an interesting name, that's all," I shrugged, still trying unsuccessfully to hold in my amusement, "Did her parents mean to call her that? Because...she could have originally been named Kellie. What if the ink on her birth certificate got smudged or something? Kellie isn't very original...though it would be a good story..."

He thought that through, and I saw the corner of his mouth twitch, but still looked a little put off.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter," He shook his head, "Her names Keltie and I like her. Thats what matters."

"You called her a narcissist a few minutes ago."

Finally, looking at his menu, letting me know he was done talking about his girlfriend, he asked, "So...What'll it be?"

"Piggies in a blanket. And a coffee. Or seven." I replied, letting the conversation move in a different direction, "You?"

"A big stinking plate of French Toast." He decided.

"Mmm, I should make some French toast tomorrow," I nodded.

"You cook?" he asked and I nodded. He then paused and looked at me strangely, "You remind me of someone."

"Someone you like?"

"Yeah," He nodded and laughed, "He's one of my best friends."

"Is he cute?"

"Duh..." He smiled, "Like I'd be seen with anyone who's not cute."

I noted that his comment was a sly way of saying he thought I was cute, too, and chose to ignore it, since he also made a big deal of letting me know he had a girlfriend.

"Is he single?" I waggled my eyebrows, completely kidding, but Ryan stopped and smiled weirdly.

"Actually, yeah," He said slowly and he was thinking so loud that I practically hear his thoughts, "He is single..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, that Ryan...
*dreamy sigh*