Sequel: Diamonds & Coal

Something To Talk About


"You know I was kidding right?" I tried to tell him as he programmed my number into his phone after we ordered.

"I wasn't," He shook his head, "D-A-N-Y-A?"

"Yeah," I sighed, "But, Ryan..."

"Too late," He shrugged, "I'm going to call him when I get home and tell him I found his soul mate."

"You've known me all of 15 minutes," I protested, "You can't possibly know that yet. I mean, when you think about it, all you really know is my name and the kind of toilet paper I use. With or without your theory, that isn't very much."

"I guess you have an unfair advantage," He sighed stowing his phone back in his pocket, "That's one of the drawbacks of my profession."

I frowned, "What profession would that be?"

He paused and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards.

"I'm in this band..." He shrugged and then I realized why he'd looked so oddly familiar back in aisle 6.

"Ohhh," I said as the realization of his identity dawned and my cheeks felt as though they were about to burst into flames at any moment. I whispered to myself, "Ryan Ross."

"You don't need to get embarrassed," He smiled softly but his cheeks were turning a little rosy as well, "So, uh... What do you do?"

"I'm a preschool teacher," I told him, drawing invisible designs on the table with my index finger, "Hardly as exciting as being a rock star..."

"You? A preschool teacher?" Ryan looked at me incredulously, "Seriously?"

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" I sat back.

"I don't know," He shook his head and was wearing his smirk of amusement, "You're just so... Un-preschool teachery."

I shook my head and smirked right back, hoping that it was at least half as irritating as his, "Well, you don't exactly scream rock star, either."

"And what do I scream?"

"Hopefully my name later," I mumbled, looking away and had to laugh at myself.

"See, that would be what I mean about you not coming across as a preschool teacher..."

"I'm kidding, dude," I was still chuckling, "But actually, you scream 'I need a sandwich'."

He pouted, "Are you this sarcastic to your preschoolers?"

"Yeah, but my sense of humour is kind of lost on them," I heaved a sigh and rested my chin on my hand, "Honestly, though... The malnourished look kind of works for you. It wasn't so hot on Nicole Richie, but you pull it off."

"Well, you know...the insatiable coke habit keeps me lookin' good for the ladies," He joked, and sniffled as he wiped his nose.

"Ahh, yes. Drug habits are dead sexy, cant lie..." I shook my head and tried to fight back a yawn, "I should be in bed, man."

"Don't worry, I wont keep you out too late," He promised, "But what are you doing tomorrow night?"

"I don't have any plans," I bit my lip and he smiled at me, across the sticky waffle house table.

"You do now."
♠ ♠ ♠
I love the dialogue between Ryan and Danya.
Haha... It's a RyDan story.
...whatever, I think its funny.