Sequel: Diamonds & Coal

Something To Talk About


"Hey Ryan? Its Danya," I bit my lip, "I think I'm here but I also think I might be completely lost."

I heard him chuckle from the other end of the line and felt my tummy go all strange, then pouted when he kept laughing.

"Okay, its not that funny," I mumbled, "What does your place look like?"

"It's the tallest place on the block," He said once he'd stifled his laughter, "Kinda hard to miss it. It's the one with the doorman."

"They've all got doormen in this neighborhood, Ryan," I sighed, "But it's the tallest one?"

"You know what? Stay there," He said suddenly, "I'll come down and get you."

"Thank you."

Ryan had invited me over to watch movies at his place the night before during our middle-of-the-night breakfast. He asked me to bring my favourite movie, and said he'd have his ready, too. He also said he'd invite this Jon character, who, I had learned was the bass player for Ryan's little band, Panic! At The Disco. That way, Ryan had reasoned, I could meet him in a no-pressure environment.

Hey Danya, come over to my house and meet your rockstar-soulmate. NO PRESSURE! I mocked him in my head, Yeah, right.

I heard a quick whistle from behind me and turned to see Ryan's slender frame on the sidewalk a little less than half a block down the street.

I waved and he waited for me to walk up, then smiled in his jeans, t-shirt and weird bandana. I decided not to make a sarcastic remark, even though it was kind of out of my nature, but I was actually having some trouble thinking of anything to say at all.

"Hey there, beautiful," He said as he put his arm around my shoulders, directing me up the walkway towards his building, "How was your day?"

"G-good," I swallowed, and even though, for some reason, my heart had jumped into my throat at the site of him, I managed to muster a semi-graceful response, "How was yours?"

"Not bad, but unfortunately there's been a couple changes in plans," He explained as we walked into the lobby of his building, both thanking the doorman in unison before he continued, "So, as it turns out, Jon cant make it tonight."

"Aww, seriously?" I frowned at him.

"Seriously," He hit the button on the elevator and he went on as we waited, "And Keltie's flight got delayed. She might not be able to get here until tomorrow. It looks like its just me and you tonight."

I feigned disappointment at the second change in our plans and he nudged me as the elevator slid open.

"Come on. It wont be that bad." He swore, "I'll even order us dinner."

I couldn't hide a smile, as I followed him on and he chuckled again. That soft warm laugh was seriously messing with my head.

"Why do I get the impression that you're more excited for the food than hanging out with me?" He wondered shaking his head and I just shrugged as the elevator doors slid shut.

"So what movie did you bring?" He wondered as he led me into his apartment on the top floor.

"Elizabethtown," I said glancing around his place. It was huge, to say the least and my little one bedroom hole in the wall paled in comparison, "You have two stories."

"Yeah, and a rooftop garden. I'll show you later," He nodded walking towards the open kitchen, but I was entranced by the view.

From his floor to ceiling living room windows, I could see the whole city, or at least what I assumed to be the whole city. We were so high up, I felt like I could see forever.

"Wow," I breathed, aware that if I moved any closer to the glass, my nose would have been pressed up against it.


I tore my attention away from the sight of the lit up city below us and realized Ryan had been talking to me.

"Sorry," I blushed, "It's just...the view from my living room window is a crack house and some cheep hookers standing in front of a seedy looking convenient store that sometimes sells expired dairy products..."

"Sounds quaint."

"It has a certain charm to it, yeah," I giggled, "What were you saying?"

"Oh," He waved me over and asked, "Do you want to order something now, or start watching a movie and order later?"

"Let's order now," I thought, "By the time the food comes, I'll probably be starving."

"Alright," He nodded, pulling open a drawer and when I saw that it was nearly overflowing with takeout menus, I had to laugh.

"Well, unlike you, I'm not much of a cook," Ryan exclaimed with faux-indignation, "Excuse me..."

"Sorry, that's just really...adorable," I smirked, gesturing to the drawer, "You seriously don't cook at all?"

"Nah, I've never really tried," He shrugged, and tapped one of the pots hanging about the island, "These are mostly just for show, but I can make some mean Kraft Dinner. Not to brag or anything."

I studied him for a moment then cast him a thoughtful glance, "I think I have an idea."

"So, maybe I don't know you that well," He said somewhat apprehensively, "But I'm pretty sure I should be worried right about now."

"Not only do I resent that," I smirked, "But I intend to prove you wrong, sir."

"How exactly?"

I smirked, "Get your coat."
♠ ♠ ♠
I think sometimes Danya says the things I would say if I wasn't so shy...