Sequel: Diamonds & Coal

Something To Talk About


"I should go," Ryan sighed the next afternoon from his bed and I promptly gasped and dove onto his legs.

"No!" I cried, "Ryan, you cant go yet! At least stay until we find out if Jamal is LaShondras baby-daddy."

After a decent amount of sleep, I'd sniffed out a box of mallomars, made 2 cups of coffee and climbed into the fold out bed to surprise Ryan with 'breakfast'. Two hours later, we were still in bed, the box of marshmallow and graham cracker goodness considerably diminished, the coffee refilled several times and we'd found ourselves emotionally invested in a very heart-wrenching episode of Maury.

"Danya, you and I both know that Jamal isn't the father," He laughed and squirmed trying to free his legs unsuccessfully, "Obviously its his best friend Duayne."

"We'll never know for sure unless you stay." I pointed out then grinned, "And after that psychic Sylvia Browne is on Montel!"

He looked down at me, still pinning his bottom half to the mattress and his little bemused smirk was all that remained of his laughter, although this time instead of making me want to beat him with a package of toilet paper, it made my heart skip a beat (or like, seven) and I bit my lip.

"Alright," He agreed with faux-reluctance, complete with an eye roll, "But Oprah is absolutely out of the question. I've already ignored two of Kelties calls and when I do get home, shes going to be pissed."

"Probably needs you to hold her hair back..." I mumbled, sitting up again, "Are you in love with her?"

He leaned against the back of the couch and looked deep in thought, "I don't know."

"Eight months and you don't know?" I wondered softly.

"Almost nine now," He added.

I let my head plunk onto his bony shoulder sighing, "I don't think thats a good sign, dude. If you're still not sure after 9 months, what do you expect to change in the future?"

"I don't know," He let his head fall gently onto mine, "I just don't want to throw nine months out the window because were in a rough spot..."

"Commendable," I agreed and snaked my arm through his, "Unless its at the expense of your happiness."

He kissed the top of my head and the commercial ended.

"Oh, here we go..." I giggled.

"In the case of baby Shanaenae..." Maury Povitch opened a big yellow envelope, "Jamal, you are NOT the father!"

"Told you," Ryan chuckled.

"And Duayne... YOU are not the father!" He said dramatically and LaShondra ran backstage, crying.

"Oh, snap," I laughed, "I love daytime TV."

"Me too," Ryan agreed wholeheartedly, "And next time we do this, we are definitely watching an episode of Judge Judy."

"Oh, for sure," I smiled over at him and caught myself wondering if he would ever have done that with Keltie.

"You know?" Ryan began later, at the end of Montel Williams, "I think you were right last night...or this morning."


He nodded, stretching and slowly climbing out of bed.

"I'm going to talk to her tonight," He said decidedly and started gathering his things.

"Make sure you toss out the line about not wanting to throw it away because you're having problems," I commented, "Girls eat lame shit like that right up."

"You know, sometimes you have absolutely no tact," He shook his head and pulled a hobo-esque hat over his mess brown hair, "And I find it strangely endearing."

"Thanks," I made a face and he pulled me to my feet.

"Walk me to the door?"

"All of twelve feet," I mumbled leading the way and he nudged me.

"Yeah, I'm so much trouble," He added with a poke and I swatted at his hand.

"Thanks for coming," I crossed my arms, "I guess..."

"Thanks for having me," He stuffed his hands into his coat pockets, "Or whatever..."

We were both cracking smiles and he leaned down to give me the customary cheek-peck, only it landed, instead on the edge of my mouth, catching me completely off guard.

"Have fun with Jon tonight," Ryan smirked, like nothing had happened and let himself out, "I'll call you."

He waved back at me, walking down the hall and I closed the door, more confused than ever.
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Seriously seriously had so much fun writing this.