Rage Works if Reason Won't

the girl: Brookelyn Barelafeld.
nicknames: Brooke, BigBlack (for her initials) or Brookelyn-Barelegs (loves to wear shorts)
loves: Disney princesses, Sharpies (in assorted colors, puh-lease.) scary movies and yellowcard.
hates: gel pens, people who drag their feet (typial) breathing hot air (okay?) snow, and pete wentz.
age: sixteen years young.
about: Brookelyn has a past that no one knows about. except for those who were involved of course. after what happened she moved away from texas and started a new life.
her new friends dont know about her past. but when her new best friend wants to go see brooke's least favorite band on tour what will she come up with as her excuse?

the bestfriend: Magnolia James. (like the hush sound.)
nicknames: maggie, mags, or lia (like leah)
loves: bright colored pants (that's why hayley williams is her idol.) creavtive writing, her art teacher (in a best friend way. DUH!) and marching band, (for the uniforms of course) oh and star wars
hates: un-natural color hair. (yes she loves hayley, but she hates her hair.) free patent sites, the size stickers on jeans, and luke wilson.
age: also sixteen years old (she considers herself old because she's three months older than brookelyn.)

(((this may change)))

the members:
Austin Bello
Kyle Burns
Jonathan Cook
Kent Garrison
Marc Stewart
Caleb Turman