Uniqueness Is Key

It All Started With a Fight

I sat there in Principle Girafski's office at Rosenburgh High School. It's amazing how you
can do absolutely nothing and get in so much trouble. It wasn't my fault she said that and
besides it was self-defense! She threw the first punch! I guess it has to do with the fact that I
for one, beat the shit out of her. I mean seriously she started the fight. You would think I
would be more beat up than her but no all I got was a couple cuts and maybe a bruise on my
left cheek. And also my reputation, this isn't the first time this has happened try the third. I
have a short temper and pack a good punch!

Now I'm sure you're wondering who the hell I am right? Well my name is Lucy Sharada Rogers. A Senior at Rosenburgh High School. I have long curly pale blond hair that goes to
my mid-back. I may look incredibly innocent but anyone who knows me knows that I'm no
where near innocent. Lets put it this way if you were to look up trouble-maker in the
dictionary you would see my picture! My eyes are a bright penetrating blue and I'm
approximately 5'4" and weigh 100lbs flat.I'm seventeen and have never had boyfriend. This
is mostly due to the fact that most guys that I would ever consider dating become my friends
and it would be way to awkward. Or I pissed them off and we could never stand to stay in the
same room. Anyways I'm not really a bad person. I just have a temper! I fluently speak
sarcasm and could honestly care less about what people have to say about me. I hate
dresses and skirts, I prefer jeans.

Well lets get back to the story shall we?

So here I am sitting across from Principle Girafski's. Now Mary Ann Girafski is an elderly
lady who I think had a childhood much like mine but won't admit it. She kind of reminds me
of Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter. She had Gray hair pulled back tight and always
wore the same outfit, navy blue skirt with a matching jacket and a white blouse. I think she
was pretty once but after years of dealing with kids she became what she is now. A hard-
ass. So as I was saying I sat there waiting for my fate. Five minutes later it came. My mother
Susan Rogers walked through that door.

Now my mom is exceptionally beautiful. We share the same blond hair and height but
thats about it. Oh and temper! She has brown eyes is 110lbs and honestly looks like a
supermodel. However when it comes to personality we couldn't be more different. She was a
straight-A student who never got kicked out and even got a scholarship into Harvard
Medical! She's a nurse and works in the ER. We argue a lot but I still love her I mean
seriously she is my mom!

As soon as Susan Rogers came into that room I knew all hope was lost. My mother sat in the
chair next to me and without even looking at me said the words that no kid wants to hear. But
when my mom said it she said it with no emotion what so ever. "Lucy Sharada Rogers I am
extremely disappointed in you. What were you thinking? You know you're aren't supposed to
be fighting you promised me remember?" "Now Mrs. Rogers I'm sure you know why Lucy is
here am I correct?" Principle Girafski asked. "Yes, she got into some type of fight." stated my
mother. "Yes and this time the person was seriously injured-" "seriously injured my ass." I
mumbled cutting off Principle Girafski. She just looked at me before continuing what she was
saying. "As I was saying. Ms. Delroy has a broken nose, a black eye, and several other cuts
and bruises. I'm afraid we will have to expel Lucy. there is no other solution, this is the tenth
fight this month and it's only the first month of school." This whole time I stayed quiet it was
better not saying anything. "Yes Mrs. Girafski I understand." my mother said in the same
monotone voice she had been using. She stood up and called for me to grab my things and
follow her. Oh how I was so not looking forward to this car ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone! I hope you liked it this was my first chapter and as you can tell it's mainly just info they will get better tho as they go on! banners and messages are greatly appreciated! Thank You

~Randi J.