We Put the Fun Back in Dysfunctional

He's Not Your Type

"Oh, Shell-Bell! I haven't seen you in so long!" I cried and hugged my older cousin.
"Jada!" Shelby hugged me, long blonde hair swishing a bit as she walked up to me.
It was Christmas of 1999, I hadn't seen Shelby for almost 13 years. I was now 21 and she was 24. She still had her long blonde hair with black underneath like when she was 12. She was almost 6'1 now. Last time I saw her she was 5'8. She still had a basketball players figure but she had definetely changed.
"Look at you, you lost all your baby fat!" She laughed.
"Oh, thanks, Shell-Bell." I laughed sarcastically.
"How'd ya do it?" She chuckled.
"11 years of baseball."
"Hmm...sweetness. So are you ready to confront everyone after 13 years?"
"No I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders." I laughed nervously.
"What's with the pink roots?" She asked obviously trying to make conversation. Either that or she was trying to critizize me.
"One day I told my friend Lizzy I wanted pink roots and the rest black and she did it."
"Your friends a hair dresser?"
"Yep." I replied. As I was about to leave the house my phone rang.
"Une minute." I said.
"Hello? Jada speaking."
"Jada?" The voice on the other end asked sckeptically the persons words were slightly slurred but only I would be able to tell that.
"It's, Geeeeerarrrrd." The persons speech was slurred even more.
"Gee, have you been drinking?" I asked my voice shaking slightly.
"I'm alllllllllllllllllll alooone. Noooobody lllikes mee everyyone hates mee, I'm goiing tooo the garrrdden to eat soome worms, big faaaat juicy ooones, tiiinyyy liittle squigley ones, biite their heads offf succckkk their guts out-"
"Gerard, why are you alone on Christmas, why aren't you upstairs with your mom and dad and Mikey?" I asked.
"I don't knnow where I am. There's a sign that says Hoooliiiiiiidaaay Innnnn?"
"Okay, Gee, baby, don't move I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Oooookay." We hung up.
"Shell-Bell we gotta make a side-track. I have to help my friend, Gerard. He's drunk we need to get to the Holiday Inn."
"What? I'm not picking up some drunk-ass dude. He'll try and rape us." Shelby's eyes were wide.
"He wouldn't try to do that. Not to you at least. You're not his type." I shoved Shelby into the passenger seat and drove to the Holiday