We Put the Fun Back in Dysfunctional

"Alcoholics, train-wrecks in general"

"Umm...umm...umm..." I didn't know what to say, I was frozen.
"I'm Gerard. I'm Jada's friend from New Jersey. We've been friend's since we were kid's." If there is a God, Gerard be thy name! Thank you!
"New Jersey? What part of New Jersey?" My nonny asked.
"Belleville. Belleville, New Jersey."
"Oh is it nice there?" My nonny asked again.
"Not really." Doh! Gerard!
"It's not nice in the part Gerard grew up in, it's okay where I live though." Lie. Why do I always lie? Oh, right because she hates me, that's why.
"Oh, I see." Gerard gave me a confused look, I simply bit down on my lip.
"So how long have you two been together? Jada?" My Nonny asked.
"Umm...umm...umm..." Shit, I froze up again.
"Umm...we aren't together. We're just friends. That's all." Thank you again, Gerard!!!
"Oh your not? I'm sorry. It's just Jada has always gone for people like...you." My nonny said. Oh, shit...
"Like me how?" Gerard asked.
"Gerard, it's okay, just leave it be." I whispered.
"No, like me how?"
"You know, black clothes, alcoholics, train-wrecks in general..." My nonny smirked.
"Gee, leave it, please, sweetheart." I whispered quieter to make sure my nonny didn't here me. I pleaded Gerard with my eyes.
"Oh, I see..." he trailed off. Oh, God, I love him so much right now!
"Well, Jada. You'll be sleeping in your old room with Gerard if that's okay?" My nonny inquired skecptically. "Since you two aren't together."
"Well, that's okay with me if that's okay with Gerard..."
"Yeah, yeah...that's okay." Gerard nodded. My nonny got up, walked away and took her blubber with her.
"I'll bring you to your room." My older cousin Tyson beckoned.
In the room Gerard sat on the bed and looked at the hardwood floor.
"What's wrong, Gee?"
"She called me an alcoholic. And a train-wreck."
"Oh, Gee, hun, don't take it to heart. She's full of shit." I said.
"No she isn't. I am an alcoholic."
"No you're not. You like your booze that's all."
"I do look like a train-wreck, don't I?"
"No, Gerard, you don't. Just don't take it to heart, okay?" Gerard nodded.
There was a knock at the door. "Jada?" Oh, shit, it was my mother.