

"Turn them off! Turn them off!" she screamed. She threw her hands into the air and let out a scream before laughing histerically. There was a look in her eye as she gazed up into the stars. A look of sheer desperation and lunacy. She was trying to mock them. She was trying to mock the stars. "Stop it !" she screeched at them. "Stop mocking me" she said under her breath. She paced along the smooth pavement, her fingers knotted so tightly in each other it looked painful. She kicked over the empty cider bottle that she had been drinking and watched it smash against the wall with a smile on her face. She leaned against it, seeming to find a moment of peace within her internal torment. She twisted her hair throughout her fingertips and stared at them as they moved, somewhat hypnotized. She slowly rotated to face the wall. She rested her forehead on the cold, bricks and let out a sigh. She firmly placed her palms parallel to her face and slowly ran her hands up and down the wall - feeling it's every grove and dent of it's cold, solid exterior. She closed her eyes. "I wish I was more like you" she whispered to the wall. Then for a moment, she was still.
"Don't you mock me, stars!" she screamed, cutting the night air. She pushed herself violently from the wall and threw her arms up into the air. She laughed and laughed, although it sounded more like crying. For a moment, she danced. Her arms swayed as if they were part of the nights breeze. Her eyes were closed and her brown hair was covering most of her face. Her legs were awkwardly swaying but her dancing carried so much grace. She had a smile on her face. A smile that suggested she was in ecstasy. It was warm and satisfied until her eyes fluttered open and there was a look of sheer horror. "TURN THEM OFF!" she gasped "TURN THEM OFF, ALL THEY DO IS MOCK ME". The night sky echoed with her cries. In her last movement she turned to the boy on the wall. "Turn them off, all they do is remind me of you" she cried before crumbling to the ground.