

Screaming. All she could hear was screaming. The kids beckoned her with their voices, their high-pitched, melodic voices. She could hear their hearts beating, the blood flowing through their veins. Her mouth watered. Her insides were squealing with anticipation. She needed to feed; she needed their blood. “Here, kiddie-kiddies. I know you’re out there,” she whispered. “Don’t worry. I promise it won’t hurt…much.”

She laughed. Her shrieking giggle sent shivers down the spines of the five teens only seconds away from death. She closed her eyes. She could feel her muscles pulsating, energy flooding her body. Her eyes popped open and she smiled, her malicious glare on the dumpster. “Now, now, kiddie-kiddies. Why do you hide? Come out, come out, I know where you are!” She giggled again then pounced on top of the dumpster. The teens fumbled over each other, trying to run away from the beast as she attacked. Her first victim was a petite blonde. The girl screamed in agony as her blood was sucked out of her system.

“Help me! Please! Ahh!” the girl howled, begging her friends to come back for her.
“Ah, too bad for you, little one. It seems as if your friends have…” She walked her index and middle fingers up her victim’s arm. “Run away.” The beast grabbed the dying girl by her neck and squeezed it. “Now, my little pet, what shall we do," she asked, not waiting for an answer. Tears streamed down the girl's face. The beast licked one off her victim's cheek and quickly spit it out. She glared at the girl, anger and hunger rushing to her fingertips. "I know…how about

She moved her hand and wrapped her mouth around the girl’s neck. Without warning, she tore the wailing girl’s throat out and danced in the fountain of blood now spewing out of the lifeless body in her arms. She licked her lips. The taste of the blood, the feel of it flowing through her body, giving her more strength than ever before. It was overwhelming. She wailed with joy, her mind begging for more. She
wanted more, and she knew just where to get it. She crouched down, prepping herself for the chase. It was a game now. An exciting and delicious game.

“Alright," she yelled. "Who’s next?”

~*~ ~*~ *~* ~*~

Two detectives stood just inside the yellow ‘CAUTION’ tape, glancing away in an attempt to keep their lunches down. The scene before them was grotesque: The walls surrounding the alley were covered in blood. The targets of choice, five unrecognizable teens, were torn to pieces. The rats and cockroaches had already had their fill of dead flesh and muscle, furthering the corpses’ mutilation. All that was left to confirm the identification of the deceased were their wallets, which three forensic investigators, dressed in full-body protection suits, were retrieving from the victims’ pockets.

“This one’s Alfonzo Newman. Got a fake I.D. here,” said the investigator furthest away.
“Got one over here, too,” answered the female investigator. “This one’s Tracy MacMarshall. She’s 25, according to this.” The female investigator threw the I.D. to her boss.
“Great,” the brunette detective mumbled, turning to his friend and partner. “This is what happens when kids get their hands on drugs and alcohol.”
“It’s a damn shame, Ira,” the blonde detective agreed, looking up at the sky. He was still having a hard time dealing with the intensity of the scene facing them. “Sometimes, it makes me happy I never had any kids.”

Ira laughed, lightly punching his partner’s arm. “You never had kids because you couldn’t handle being with anyone for more than a week, Jeb.” He laughed again. Jeb pushed Ira into the yellow tape.
“Not true. What about Inga? She lasted at least a month!” Ira disappointedly shook his head.

“She was a crazy German woman whose mustache was thicker than yours!” Ira planted his index finger under his nose and wiggled it. Jeb went to slap Ira, but the scene caught his eye. Immediately, his smile faded and his face turned a shade of green.
“Whoever’s done this is one sick fuck,” said Jeb, who looked away to stop from retching. Ira patted him on the back.

“Don’t worry, Jeb. We’ll catch the shithead.” Ira didn’t look so convinced by his own words, but it made him feel a little better. He turned and looked at the scene. As he quickly glanced around it, something shiny caught his eye. He pulled a glove onto his right hand and bent in, trying hard not to contaminate anything. He picked up a key. A car key. A car key to a very expensive car. One he knew right away. His daughter’s car. The one he bought her for her seventeenth birthday. Without thinking, he pocketed the key, a habit he’d picked up after numerous grounding attempts. He needed to go home. He needed to go home now. He knew exactly what happened here last night. He had to get his daughter out of town. Out of town now.

~*~ ~*~ *~* ~*~

The force-issued cruiser pulled into the driveway. Ira’s wife ran out the kitchen door and into her husband’s arms.

“Where is she?” His wife looked up at him in horror. “Where’s Madi?” He stared down at his wife, watching tears stream down her face. He grabbed her arms and shook her. “Anika, is she in her room? Did you see her at all today?” His wife quickly shook her head. Ira ran into the house and to his daughter’s room. He kicked the door down and found her sitting on the ground, rocking back and forth hugging her knees. She was covered head to toe in blood. The cop fell to the floor next to her, grabbing her shaking hands. She lifted her watery eyes to meet his.

“What’s happening to me?”
“Come here, Madi.” He put his arms around his daughter, but she pulled away.
“Don’t touch me!” she gasped. “I don’t want to hurt you, too.” Her father smiled at her, beckoning her to come close to him.
“Don’t worry, baby. You can’t hurt me. I promise.” Madi started whimpering and collapsed into her father’s arms. “I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.”